为了建立抗癌药物活性的计算生物学预测系统,在中国科学院昆明动物研究所生物信息与系统生物学实验室黄京飞研究员的指导下, 李功华博士开发了一个新的基于分子药效团的小分子比对算法,并将该算法应用于预测小分子的抗癌活性。通过交叉验证,其得到的结果令人振奋:其预测的线下面积(AUC)达到了0.878,显示该算法能很好的预测药物小分子的抗癌活性。为了使该算法能被不同学科的研究者和医药工作者应用,李功华博士开发了一个简便易用的预测抗癌药物活性的网页服务器(http://bsb.kiz.ac.cn/CDRUG/)
doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics
CDRUG: a web server for predicting anticancer activity of chemical compounds
Li GH, Huang JF.
Cancer is the leading cause of death worldwide. Screening anticancer candidates from tens of millions of chemical compounds is expensive and time-consuming. A rapid and user-friendly web server, known as CDRUG, is described here to predict the anticancer activity of chemical compounds. In CDRUG, a hybrid score was developed to measure the similarity of different compounds. The performance analysis shows that CDRUG has the area under curve of 0.878, indicating that CDRUG is effective to distinguish active and inactive compounds.