鼎鼎大名的Robert A.Weinberg教授身上笼罩着一道道绚丽的光环:美国科学院院士,世界著名Whitehead研究所创始人之一,他曾发现了第一个人类癌基因Ras和第一个抑癌基因Rb,他的一系列杰出研究工作已经成为肿瘤研究领域乃至整个医学生物学领域的重要里程碑。
Weinberg教授撰写的两篇关于肿瘤细胞十大特征的综述文章,常年是Cell杂志最受关注的论文之一,也被多次引用,近期他与其他几位科学家一道,完成了题为“Cell plasticity and heterogeneity in cancer”的综述性文章,详细介绍了癌细胞发生发展的新模型。
在这篇综述中,研究人员探讨了这两种模型。其中克隆进化(clonal evolution)模型认为,肿瘤起源于正常细胞,这些细胞突变并产生了异常的后代,而后代细胞又发生突变,形成大量的变异癌细胞。
除此之外,需要提出提醒的是,Weinberg教授研究组此前的一篇文章:Ras Modulates Myc Activity to Repress Thrombospondin-1 Expression and Increase Tumor Angiogenesis,由于数据图片处理方面的问题被撤回,如有这方面的引用和相关研究,请多注意。(生物谷Bioon.com)
doi: 10.1373/clinchem.2012.184655
Cell Plasticity and Heterogeneity in Cancer
Nemanja D. Marjanovic1, Robert A. Weinberg1,2 and Christine L. Chaffer1,*
BACKGROUND: Heterogeneity within a given cancer arises from diverse cell types recruited to the tumor and from genetic and/or epigenetic differences amongst the cancer cells themselves. These factors conspire to create a disease with various phenotypes. There are 2 established models of cancer development and progression to metastatic disease. These are the clonal evolution and cancer stem cell models. CONTENT: The clonal evolution theory suggests that successive mutations accumulating in a given cell generate clonal outgrowths that thrive in response to microenvironmental selection pressures, dictating the phenotype of the tumor. The alternative cancer stem cell (CSC) model suggests that cancer cells with similar genetic backgrounds can be hierarchically organized according to their tumorigenic potential. Accordingly, CSCs reside at the apex of the hierarchy and are thought to possess the majority of a cancer's tumor-initiating and metastatic ability. A defining feature of this model is its apparent unidirectional nature, whereby CSCs undergo symmetric division to replenish the CSC pool and irreversible asymmetric division to generate daughter cells (non-CSCs) with low tumorigenic potential. However, evolving evidence supports a new model of tumorigenicity, in which considerable plasticity exists between the non-CSC and CSC compartments, such that non-CSCs can reacquire a CSC phenotype. These findings suggest that some tumors may adhere to a plastic CSC model, in which bidirectional conversions are common and essential components of tumorigenicity. SUMMARY: Accumulating evidence surrounding the plasticity of cancer cells, in particular, suggests that aggressive CSCs can be created de novo within a tumor. Given the current focus on therapeutic targeting of CSCs, we discuss the implications of non-CSC-to-CSC conversions on the development of future therapies.