泛素化是一种蛋白质的翻译后修饰,参与调控多种生物学过程,其系统功能紊乱与癌细胞凋亡以及癌症发展进程中起到了关键作用。蛋白泛素化过程由三种酶依次催化完成,包括泛素激活酶(E1)、泛素连接酶(E2)和泛素连接酶(E3)。其中,E3泛素连接酶决定修饰底物的特异性。HECTD3 (Homologous to the E6-associated protein carboxyl terminus domain containing 3) 是一个功能未知的新的E3泛素连接酶。
2013年1月的癌症领域主流杂志NEOPLASIA发表了中国科学院昆明动物研究所陈策实研究员课题组的工作The HECTD3 E3 Ubiquitin Ligase Suppresses Cisplatin-induced Apoptosis via Stabilizing MALT1。该研究首次发现:在乳腺癌和宫颈癌细胞抑制E3泛素连接酶HECTD3表达后能让癌细胞对顺铂更加敏感,小鼠实验也充分证明了这一点。进一步研究发现,敲低HECTD3表达使癌细胞对紫杉醇以及放射治疗也更加敏感。
为了探索其分子机制,课题组利用酵母双杂交和免疫共沉淀实验发现,MALT1(mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue 1)是HECTD3的底物蛋白。HECTD3通过其N端DOC结构域与MALT1的DD结构域直接作用,然后促进MALT1泛素化修饰。有趣的是,这种泛素化修饰不像大多数情况下导致底物蛋白降解,相反地,使MALT1蛋白在顺铂存在的情况下更加稳定。这是因为HECTD3介导的MLAT1多聚泛素化链结构不是通过泛素分子传统的赖氨酸48位延伸,而是通过泛素分子其它赖氨酸残基延伸。
DOI 10.1593/neo.121362
The HECTD3 E3 Ubiquitin Ligase Suppresses Cisplatin-induced Apoptosis via Stabilizing MALT1
Yi Li*,†,3, Xi Chen*,‡,3, Zehua Wang*, Dong Zhao§, Hui Chen¶, Wenlin Chen#, Zhongmei Zhou*, Junran Zhang**, Jing Zhang¶, Hongmin Li¶,†† and Ceshi Chen*
Homologous to the E6-associated protein carboxyl terminus domain containing 3 (HECTD3) is an E3 ubiquitin ligase with unknown functions. Here, we show that HECTD3 confers cancer cell resistance to cisplatin. To understand the molecular mechanisms, we performed a yeast two-hybrid analysis and identified mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue 1 (MALT1) as an HECTD3-interacting protein. HECTD3 promotes MALT1 ubiquitination with nondegradative polyubiquitin chains by direct interacting with the MALT1 through its N-terminal destruction of cyclin domain. HECTD3 does not target MALT1 for degradation but stabilize it. HECTD3 depletion dramatically decreases the levels of MALT1 in MCF7 and HeLa cells treated with cisplatin, which is correlated to an increase in apoptosis. Knockdown of MALT1 likewise increases cisplatin-induced apoptosis in these cancer cells. However, HECTD3 overexpression leads to a decreased cisplatin-induced apoptosis, whereas overexpression of MALT1 partially rescues HECTD3 depletion–induced apoptosis. These findings suggest that HECTD3 promotes cell survival through stabilizing MALT1. Our data have important implications in cancer therapy by providing novel molecular targets.