新加坡A*STAR生物工程和纳米技术研究所的Shu Wang解释到:“由于肿瘤细胞会大量入侵正常脑组织,而且又容易产生治疗抵抗性,因此这种疾病经常复发.该癌症高度致命的自然特性导致恶性GBM患者的平均生存期大约只有一年.”科学家们一直在寻找针对该疾病的有效治疗方法,而现在Wang等人的研究可以为对抗这种致命疾病提供一个有用的策略.
上:未编辑的miR-376a*促进了小鼠脑瘤模型中恶性肿瘤的生长(深红色); 下:编辑过的miR-376a*限制了肿瘤的生长(深红色),使之转变为了非侵入性的肿瘤.
Attenuated adenosine-to-inosine editing of microRNA-376a* promotes invasiveness of glioblastoma cells
Yukti Choudhury1, Felix Chang Tay2, Dang Hoang Lam1,2, Edwin Sandanaraj3, Carol Tang4, Beng-Ti Ang3,4 and Shu Wang1,2
In the human brain, microRNAs (miRNAs) from the microRNA-376 (miR-376) cluster undergo programmed “seed” sequence modifications by adenosine-to-inosine (A-to-I) editing. Emerging evidence suggests a link between impaired A-to-I editing and cancer, particularly in high-grade gliomas. We hypothesized that disruption of A-to-I editing alters expression of genes regulating glioma tumor phenotypes. By sequencing the miR-376 cluster, we show that the overall miRNA editing frequencies were reduced in human gliomas. Specifically in high-grade gliomas, miR-376a* accumulated entirely in an unedited form. Clinically, a significant correlation was found between accumulation of unedited miR-376a* and the extent of invasive tumor spread as measured by magnetic resonance imaging of patient brains. Using both in vitro and orthotopic xenograft mouse models, we demonstrated that the unedited miR-376a* promoted glioma cell migration and invasion, while the edited miR-376a* suppressed these features. The effects of the unedited miR-376a* were mediated by its sequence-dependent ability to target RAP2A and concomitant inability to target AMFR. Thus, the tumor-dependent introduction of a single base difference in the miR-376a* sequence dramatically alters the selection of its target genes and redirects its function from inhibiting to promoting glioma cell invasion. These findings uncover a new mechanism of miRNA deregulation and identify unedited miR-376a* as a potential therapeutic target in glioblastoma cells.