2013年6月7日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --近日,来自华盛顿大学医学院的研究者通过研究表明,癌症细胞对糖的“喜爱”或许会对机体免疫细胞功能会造成严重的影响,相关研究刊登于国际著名杂志Cell上。在文中研究者发现,当使得糖类远离T细胞时,其就不会产生干扰素γ,干扰素γ是一种重要的可以抵御肿瘤以及某些感染的炎性化合物。T细胞可以进入到肿瘤中,但是其通常并不能够有效杀灭癌细胞,缺少产生干扰素γ的能力便是导致其不能杀灭癌细胞的一个原因。
Posttranscriptional Control of T Cell Effector Function by Aerobic Glycolysis
Chih-Hao Chang, Jonathan D. Curtis, Leonard B. Maggi, Brandon Faubert, Alejandro V. Villarino, David O’Sullivan, Stanley Ching-Cheng Huang, Gerritje J.W. van der Windt, Julianna Blagih, Jing Qiu, Jason D. Weber, Edward J. Pearce, Russell G. Jones, Erika L. Pearce
A “switch” from oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) to aerobic glycolysis is a hallmark of T cell activation and is thought to be required to meet the metabolic demands of proliferation. However, why proliferating cells adopt this less efficient metabolism, especially in an oxygen-replete environment, remains incompletely understood. We show here that aerobic glycolysis is specifically required for effector function in T cells but that this pathway is not necessary for proliferation or survival. When activated T cells are provided with costimulation and growth factors but are blocked from engaging glycolysis, their ability to produce IFN-γ is markedly compromised. This defect is translational and is regulated by the binding of the glycolysis enzyme GAPDH to AU-rich elements within the 3′ UTR of IFN-γ mRNA. GAPDH, by engaging/disengaging glycolysis and through fluctuations in its expression, controls effector cytokine production. Thus, aerobic glycolysis is a metabolically regulated signaling mechanism needed to control cellular function.