据7月10日发表在《美国医学会杂志》上的一则研究披露,在那些接受了根治性前列腺切除术的男性中,每日进食一种含有大豆蛋白分离物饮料粉补充剂达2年的人与那些只接受安慰剂的男性相比,其前列腺癌生化复发的出现并没有减少或推迟。(JAMA. 2013;310(2):170-178)
“… 不存在大豆补充剂对这些男性具有任何的前列腺癌相关性裨益的证据。大豆含有的几种成分——其中包括大豆异黄酮——在实验室研究中具有抗癌活性。”
伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校的Maarten C. Bosland, D.V.Sc., Ph.D.及其同事对每日进食某种基于大豆蛋白的补充剂是否能在接受了根治性前列腺切除术后有复发高风险的男性中降低其前列腺癌的复发率或延迟其复发进行了检查。这一随机试验是在1997年7月至2010年5月间在美国的7个医疗中心内开展的,其中包括了177名男性。补充剂干预是在手术后4个月内开始的并持续每日服用长达2年;在第一年中,前列腺特异性抗原(PSA)的检测间隔为每2个月,此后为每3个月检测一次。参与者被随机指派接受每日服用含有20克以大豆蛋白分离物的(n=87)饮料粉或含有酪酸钙的安慰剂(n=87)饮料粉。
该试验因为在一个按计划进行的中期分析过程中缺乏治疗效果而被提前终止;在该分析包括了81位可供评估的干预组参与者及78名安慰剂组的参与者。总体而言,有28.3%的参与者在进入该试验后2年内出现了生化性复发(定义为出现PSA浓度≥0.07 ng/mL)。在干预组参与者中有22人(27.2%)出现了得到确认的生化性复发,而服用安慰剂的参与者中有23人(29.5%)出现了复发。文章的作者写道:“在出现复发的参与者中,复发时间的中位数[中点]在干预组中(31.5周)似乎要比在安慰剂组中(44周)稍短些,但这一差异没有统计学意义。”
Jama doi:Jama/ 2013;310(2):170-178
Soy Protein Supplementation Does Not Reduce Risk of Prostate Cancer Recurrence After Radical Prostatectomy
CHICAGO – Among men who had undergone radical prostatectomy, daily consumption of a beverage powder supplement containing soy protein isolate for 2 years did not reduce or delay development of biochemical recurrence of prostate cancer compared to men who received placebo, according to a study in the July 10 issue of JAMA.
“Prostate cancer is the most frequently diagnosed malignancy and the second most frequent cause of male cancer death in the United States and other Western countries but is far less frequent in Asian countries. Prostate cancer risk has been inversely associated with intake of soy and soy foods in observational studies, which may explain this geographic variation because soy consumption is low in the United States and high in Asian countries,” according to background information in the article.
“Although it has been repeatedly proposed that soy may prevent prostate cancer development, this hypothesis has not been tested in randomized studies with cancer as the end point. A substantive fraction (48 percent – 55 percent) of men diagnosed as having prostate cancer use dietary supplements including soy products, although the exact proportion is not known. However, no evidence exists that soy supplementation has any prostate cancer-related benefits for these men. Soy contains several constituents, including isoflavones, which possess anticancer activities in laboratory studies.”