近日,南开大学生命科学学院陈佺教授课题组在结肠癌肿瘤研究方面取得重大进展,研究成果被临床肿瘤期刊Clinical Cancer Research杂志接收。生命科学学院陈佺教授为通讯作者,博士生饶冠华为第一作者,本研究由南开大学和中国科学院动物研究所合作完成。
陈佺教授主要从事线粒体和细胞凋亡和线粒体自噬机制的研究,同时也开展肿瘤干细胞研究,已经在Nature Cell Biology、Nature Communications、JBC、Hepatology、Autophagy、Oncogene、Clinical Cancer Research等杂志发表研究论文50多篇。2000获得中国科学院“百人计划”,2004年自然科学基金委“杰出青年基金”获得者,2007年教育部“长江学者计划”特聘教授,2011年谈家桢生命科学创新奖获得者。现任《FEBS Letters》杂志编委,《Cell Research》和《Autophagy》杂志编委会成员。中国生物物理学会和细胞生物学会常务理事,亚洲线粒体学会秘书长。(生物谷Bioon.com)
Reciprocal Interactions between Tumor-Associated Macrophages and CD44-Positive Cancer Cells via Osteopontin/CD44 Promote Tumorigenicity in Colorectal Cancer
Guanhua Rao1, Hongyi Wang3, Baowei Li2, Li Huang2, Danfeng Xue2, Xiaohui Wang2, Haijing Jin2, Jun Wang2, Yushan Zhu1, Youyong Lu3, Lei Du2, and Quan Chen1,2
Purpose: CD44 is of functional importance for tumor initiation and progression in colorectal cancer, but how this molecule benefits cancer cells from the tumor microenvironment, especially tumor-associated macrophages (TAM), remains poorly defined. Experimental Design: In vivo tumorigenic assays were conducted to assess the role of murine TAMs in the tumorigenesis of human colorectal cancer cells. Both in vitro and in vivo osteopontin (OPN) expression levels in TAMs were examined by immunohistochemistry, quantitative PCR, and Western blotting. Soft agar colony formation assays were used to estimate the clonogenicity of colorectal cancer cells that had received different treatments. The relationships between the expression levels of OPN, CD44v6, and CD68 and clinical prognosis were evaluated by tissue microarray analysis. Results: We found that macrophages, when coinjected or cocultured with CD44-positive colorectal cancer cells, were able to produce higher levels of OPN, which in turn facilitated the tumorigenicity and clonogenicity of the colorectal cancer cells. The knockdown of CD44 or treatment with blocking antibodies to CD44 attenuated OPN secretion. OPN, through binding to its receptor CD44, activated c-jun-NH2-kinase signaling and promoted the clonogenicity of colorectal cancer cells. Moreover, tissue microarray data have shown that OPN expression, in combination with CD44v6, has a negative correlation with colorectal cancer patient survival. Conclusions: These results suggest that the OPN–CD44 interaction is important for colorectal cancer progression and could serve as a potential therapeutic target for the treatment of colorectal cancer. Clin Cancer Res; 19(4); 785–97. ©2012 AACR.