一些生物大分子,如膜蛋白,蛋白质复合体,蛋白质纤维等,在生命过程中起着极为重要的作用,但是由于难以得到这些生物分子的单晶以及它们在溶液中的低溶解度, 用X-ray和液体NMR很难得到它们的结构。一个典型的例子是膜蛋白质。膜蛋白约占与人类基因编码有关的蛋白质的30%,一些重要的生命活动如能量转换、信息识别与传递、物质运送和分配都与膜蛋白密切相关。但是到目前为止,只有157种(总共约3万种)膜蛋白的三维结构是已知的。对于这些“困难”的生物大分子,固体NMR被认为是最有前途的研究手段之一。自从2002年德国科学家首次用魔角旋转NMR得到固体蛋白质的三维结构以来,这几年这个领域飞速向前发展。随着高磁场NMR仪器的使用,魔角旋转NMR探头技术的发展,固体蛋白质样品制备技术的成熟和一批两维到四维固体NMR脉冲序列的使用,魔角旋转NMR研究蛋白质的能力大大提高,魔角旋转NMR已经能够对25-30 KDa的蛋白质进行NMR信号全归属和相应的结构和动力学研究。
在这个研究中,杨俊和特拉华大学的同事Tatyana Polenova设计了一组新脉冲序列,他们用这组脉冲序列研究了用不同同位素标记的thioredoxin蛋白质组装体的分子内和分子间的界面。首先他们用理论模拟和NMR实验证实了固体NMR中的REDOR技术可以用来消除13C,15N全富集的蛋白质主链上的15N信号,实现了用一个蛋白质样品同时进行NMR信号归属和蛋白质界面研究。借助于对远程相互作用敏感的1H/13C REDOR和PAIN-CP技术, 他们设计了两个脉冲序列,用不同核自旋对的相关性观察到了蛋白质界面上空间相近的残基对。另外,他们还设计了两个脉冲序列对蛋白质另外一段的主链上的15N信号进行了归属。这组固体NMR的脉冲序列和相应的同位素标记方法将可以在更大的蛋白质复合体的界面研究中使用。(来源:中国科学院武汉物理与数学研究所)
JACS,130 (17), 5798–5807,Jun Yang,Tatyana Polenova
Magic Angle Spinning NMR Experiments for Structural Studies of Differentially Enriched Protein Interfaces and Protein Assemblies
Jun Yang,† Maria Luisa Tasayco,‡ and Tatyana Polenova*†
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware 19716, and Department of Chemistry, The City College of New York, Convent Avenue at 138th Street, New York, New York 10031
Protein–protein interactions play vital roles in numerous biological processes. These interactions often result in formation of insoluble and noncrystalline protein assemblies. Solid-state NMR spectroscopy is rapidly emerging as a premier method for structural analysis of such systems. We introduce a family of two-dimensional magic angle spinning (MAS) NMR experiments for structural studies of differentially isotopically enriched protein assemblies. Using 1–73(13C,15N)/74–108(15N) labeled thioredoxin reassembly, we demonstrate that dipolar dephasing followed by proton-assisted heteronuclear magnetization transfer yields long-range 15N−13C correlations arising exclusively from the interfaces formed by the pair of differentially enriched complementary fragments of thioredoxin. Incorporation of dipolar dephasing into the 15N proton-driven spin diffusion and into the 1H−15N FSLG−HETCOR sequences permits 1H and 15N resonance assignments of the 74–108(15N) enriched C-terminal fragment of thioredoxin alone. The differential isotopic labeling scheme and the NMR experiments demonstrated here allow for structural analysis of both the interface and each interacting protein. Isotope editing of the magnetization transfers results in spectral simplification, and therefore larger protein assemblies are expected to be amenable to these experiments.