戊型肝炎病毒(Hepatitis E Virus/HEV)是引起人经肠道传播的急性传染性肝炎—戊型肝炎的病原体。戊型肝炎危害性大,尤其对青壮年和妊娠期妇女危害极大,妊娠期妇女病死率高达20%。戊型肝炎主要通过粪-口途径传播,因此极易在卫生条件不发达的地区流行。1986—1988年我国新疆曾发生世界上最大的一次戊型肝炎流行, 发病超过10万例, 死亡近千人。由于缺乏细胞培养系统和病毒三维结构信息,目前对病毒如何感染细胞以及细胞如何产生免疫反应所知甚少,因此对戊型肝炎既无疫苗预防,亦无药物治疗。
尹长城教授研究团队应用冷冻电子显微镜/X-射线晶体学技术解析了戊型肝炎病毒颗粒原子分辨率(3.5 ?)三维结构。结构分析表明戊型肝炎病毒衣壳蛋白具有三个线性排列的结构域:S结构域、P1结构域和P2结构域。S结构域负责形成病毒颗粒核心衣壳,和病毒装配密切相关;P1结构域是S结构域的延伸,在病毒颗粒三重轴处相会,加强病毒衣壳的稳定性;P2结构域由P1结构域伸出,暴露于病毒颗粒最外侧;P2结构域在病毒颗粒二重轴处相会,形成病毒颗粒的“棘”(spike)。P2结构域上有一个糖基化位点,和病毒-受体结合有关;P2结构域还有3个取向朝外的、高度保守的环(loop), 和病毒-抗体结合有关。戊型肝炎病毒颗粒的三维结构不仅为病毒如何装配、如何感染宿主以及如何引起宿主产生免疫反应提供了结构生物学基础,而且为基于结构的药物及疫苗设计奠定了基础。
Virus Research:我国科学家采用双siRNA抑制乙型肝炎病毒的复制
PNAS :乙型肝炎病毒结构图绘制成功
PNAS July 21, 2009, doi: 10.1073/pnas.0904848106
Structure of the hepatitis E virus-like particle suggests mechanisms for virus assembly and receptor binding
Tom S. Y. Guua,1, Zheng Liub,1, Qiaozhen Yea, Douglas A. Mataa, Kunpeng Lic, Changcheng Yinb, Jingqiang Zhangc,2 and Yizhi Jane Taoa,2
aDepartment of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Rice University, Houston, TX 77005;
bDepartment of Biophysics, Health Science Centre, Peking University, Beijing, China 100191; and
cState Key Laboratory for Biocontrol, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China 510275
Hepatitis E virus (HEV), a small, non-enveloped RNA virus in the family Hepeviridae, is associated with endemic and epidemic acute viral hepatitis in developing countries. Our 3.5-? structure of a HEV-like particle (VLP) shows that each capsid protein contains 3 linear domains that form distinct structural elements: S, the continuous capsid; P1, 3-fold protrusions; and P2, 2-fold spikes. The S domain adopts a jelly-roll fold commonly observed in small RNA viruses. The P1 and P2 domains both adopt β-barrel folds. Each domain possesses a potential polysaccharide-binding site that may function in cell-receptor binding. Sugar binding to P1 at the capsid protein interface may lead to capsid disassembly and cell entry. Structural modeling indicates that native T = 3 capsid contains flat dimers, with less curvature than those of T = 1 VLP. Our findings significantly advance the understanding of HEV molecular biology and have application to the development of vaccines and antiviral medications.