中国科学院生物物理研究所江涛研究员领衔的科研小组在肉碱膜转运蛋白CaiT三维结构研究方面取得最新的进展,相关成果文章Crystal structure of the carnitine transporter and insights into the antiport mechanism刊登在3月28的Nature Structural & Molecular Biology上。
a 为平行于膜的视角,b为垂直于膜的视角
Nature Structural & Molecular Biology online 28 March 2010 | doi:10.1038/nsmb.1788
Crystal structure of the carnitine transporter and insights into the antiport mechanism
Lin Tang,Lin Bai,Wen-hua Wang& Tao Jiang
CaiT is a membrane antiporter that catalyzes the exchange of l-carnitine with γ-butyrobetaine across the Escherichia coli membrane. To obtain structural insights into the antiport mechanism, we solved the crystal structure of CaiT at a resolution of 3.15 Å. We crystallized CaiT as a homotrimer complex, in which each protomer contained 12 transmembrane helices and 4 l-carnitine molecules outlining the transport pathway across the membrane. Mutagenesis studies revealed a primary binding site at the center of the protein and a secondary substrate-binding site at the bottom of the intracellular vestibule. These results, together with the insights obtained from structural comparison with structurally homologous transporters, provide mechanistic insights into the association between substrate translocation and the conformational changes of CaiT.