英国约克大学化学系教授Gideon Davies和澳大利亚墨尔本大学副教授Spencer Williams领导的一个国际科学家小组将细菌内甘露糖苷酶作为人身上同样的酶的模型,利用最新的同步加速技术(synchrotron technology)成功地确定了这种酶的三维结构。
Davies教授说,了解这种酶的结构会揭示关于这些病毒如何进行“驼背运输(piggy-back)”---即借用我们的细胞机器(cellular machinery)来复制自己和导致我们患病---的细节。
在过去,人们遇到的问题是,包括HIV、HCV、登革热病毒和西尼罗河病毒(West Nile virus)在内的一组人类病毒在受到抑制的情况下绕过主要途径,并利用内甘露糖苷酶通过次要途径进行复制。因此若要治疗有效的话,这两条途径都需要被阻断。
Structural and mechanistic insight into N-glycan processing by endo-α-mannosidase
Andrew J. Thompson, Rohan J. Williams, Zalihe Hakki, Dominic S. Alonzi, Tom Wennekes, Tracey M. Gloster, Kriangsak Songsrirote, Jane E. Thomas-Oates, Tanja M. Wrodnigg, Josef Spreitz, Arnold E. Stütz, Terry D. Butters, Spencer J. Williams, and Gideon J. Davies
N-linked glycans play key roles in protein folding, stability, and function. Biosynthetic modification of N-linked glycans, within the endoplasmic reticulum, features sequential trimming and readornment steps. One unusual enzyme, endo-α-mannosidase, cleaves mannoside linkages internally within an N-linked glycan chain, short circuiting the classical N-glycan biosynthetic pathway. Here, using two bacterial orthologs, we present the first structural and mechanistic dissection of endo- α-mannosidase. Structures solved at resolutions 1.7–2.1 Å reveal a (β/α)8 barrel fold in which the catalytic center is present in a long substrate-binding groove, consistent with cleavage within the N-glycan chain. Enzymatic cleavage of authentic Glc1/3Man9GlcNAc2 yields Glc1/3-Man. Using the bespoke substrate α-Glc-1,3-α-Man fluoride, the enzyme was shown to act with retention of anomeric configuration. Complexes with the established endo-α-mannosidase inhibitor α-Glc-1,3- deoxymannonojirimycin and a newly developed inhibitor, α-Glc-1,3-isofagomine, and with the reducing-end product α-1,2-mannobiose structurally define the -2 to +2 subsites of the enzyme. These structural and mechanistic data provide a foundation upon which to develop new enzyme inhibitors targeting the hijacking of N-glycan synthesis in viral disease and cancer.