2012年3月11日,清华大学生命学院施一公教授研究组在《自然》(Nature)在线发表了名为“Structure and mechanism of a glutamate-GABA antiporter”的科研论文,报道了大肠杆菌谷氨酸:γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)反向转运蛋白(GadC)的晶体结构,并结合生化实验提出了GadC转运底物的可能机制。
大肠杆菌抗酸系统II(Acid Resistance system 2)通过谷氨酸:γ-氨基丁酸反向转运蛋白(GadC)将细胞外的谷氨酸转运到细胞内,在胞浆内谷氨酸发生脱羧反应,消耗一个质子生成γ-氨基丁酸,而产物γ-氨基丁酸再被GadC转运到细胞外。整个过程相当于向细胞外排出一个质子,降低了细胞内的质子浓度,从而起到了抗酸的作用。理解GadC的工作机理对于研究肠道致病菌抗酸系统十分关键。从GadC的三维空间结构信息入手,施一公教授研究组解析了大肠杆菌GadC高分辨率的晶体结构。结构分析表明,含有12个跨膜螺旋的GadC在pH碱性条件下呈现出转运通道开口朝向胞内的构象,令人惊奇的是,GadC羧基端结构域在细胞内一侧像塞子一样将转运通道封闭住。同时进一步的生化实验表明,GadC对底物的转运严格依赖于环境pH值:野生型GadC在pH小于6.5的环境下才具有转运能力,而在pH大于6.5的环境中完全没有活性。羧基端“塞子”结构域在GadC感受pH的过程中起到了重要的调节作用。这样一种机制既保证了抗酸系统在极酸环境中能够启动并转运底物,又防止其在正常生理条件下造成胞内质子不必要的外流。
以上研究成果为进一步研究大肠杆菌抗酸机制提供了重要线索。这是施一公教授研究组继2009年、2010年报道Arginine:Agmatine反向转运蛋白AdiC的结构与机理之后,在肠道细菌抗酸性研究中的又一重要成果。(生物谷 bioon.com)
Structure and mechanism of a glutamate-GABA antiporter
Dan Ma, Peilong Lu, Chuangye Yan, Chao Fan, Ping Yin, Jiawei Wang,Yigong Shi
Food-borne hemorrhagic Escherichia coli, exemplified by the strains O157:H7 and O104:H4, require elaborate acid-resistance systems (ARs)to survive the extremely acidic environment such as the stomach (pH≈2). AR2 expels intracellular protons through the decarboxylation of l-glutamate (Glu) in the cytoplasm and exchange of the reaction product γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) with extracellular Glu. The latter process is mediated by the Glu–GABA antiporter GadC, a representative member of the amino-acid–polyamine-organocation superfamily of membrane transporters. The functional mechanism of GadC remains largely unknown. Here we show, with the use of an in vitro proteoliposome-based assay, that GadC transports GABA/Glu only under acidic conditions, with no detectable activity at pH values higher than 6.5. We determined the crystal structure of E.coli GadC at 3.1 A resolution under basic conditions. GadC, comprising 12 transmembrane segments (TMs), exists in a closed state, with its carboxy-terminal domain serving as a plug to block an otherwise inward-open conformation. Structural and biochemical analyses reveal the essential transport residues, identify the transport path and suggest a conserved transport mechanism involving the rigid-body rotation of a helical bundle for GadC and other amino acid antiporters.