2012年1月10日,PNAS在线发表了中国科学院生物物理研究所朱平研究组程凌鹏副研究员等人的研究论文“Atomic model of a cypovirus built from cryo-EM structure provides insight into the mechanism of mRNA capping”。该研究利用生物成像技术实验室2010年4月调试成功的冷冻电镜平台,用单颗粒图像处理技术获得了呼肠孤病毒科的质型多角体病毒近原子分辨率的三维结构(3.9埃),并独立构建了全原子模型。对研究dsRNA病毒的mRNA加帽机制有重要意义。(详见PNAS:呼肠孤病毒科的质型多角体病毒近原子分辨率的三维结构)
近日,程凌鹏等人利用之前的研究,深入研究了质型多角体病毒在转录过程中的结构,于4月6日再次在PNAS在线发表了一篇名为“Cryo-EM structure of a transcribing cypovirus”的论文。
doi: 10.1073/pnas.1200206109
Cryo-EM structure of a transcribing cypovirus
Chongwen Yanga, Gang Jia, Hongrong Liub, Kai Zhanga, Guangqiao Liua, Fei Suna, Ping Zhua, and Lingpeng Chenga.
Double-stranded RNA viruses in the family Reoviridae are capable of transcribing and capping nascent mRNA within an icosahedral viral capsid that remains intact throughout repeated transcription cycles.However, how the highly coordinated mRNA transcription and capping process is facilitated by viral capsid proteins is still unknown. Cypovirus provides a good model system for studying the mRNA transcription and capping mechanism of viruses in the family Reoviridae.Here, we report a full backbone model of a transcribing cypovirus built from a near-atomic-resolution density map by cryoelectron microscopy.Compared with the structure of a nontranscribing cypovirus, the major capsid proteins of transcribing cypovirus undergo a series of conformational changes, giving rise to structural changes in the capsid shell: (i) an enlarged capsid chamber, which provides genomic RNA with more flexibility to move within the densely packed capsid, and (ii) a widened peripentonal channel in the capsid shell, which we confirmed to be a pathway for nascent mRNA.A rod-like structure attributable to a partially resolved nascent mRNA was observed in this channel.In addition, conformational change in the turret protein results in a relatively open turret at each fivefold axis.A GMP moiety, which is transferred to 5’-diphosphorylated mRNA during the mRNA capping reaction, was identified in the pocket-like guanylyltransferase domain of the turret protein.