该蛋白质是定位在细胞膜上的,一种多种药及毒性化合物外排(multidrug and toxic compound extrusion transporter, MATE)转运蛋白。科学家们还发现了一种分子能够阻止这一蛋白质的活性。这些研究发现为对抗抗生素耐药,增大癌症治疗效力提供了新方法。研究论文报告在3月27日的《自然》(Nature)杂志上。
最新的研究以比之前更高的分辨率,绘制了来自嗜热古细菌Pyrococcus furiosus的第三种MATE蛋白的图谱。由东京大学生物物理学家Osamu Nureki领导的一个研究小组,报告称这一膜结合蛋白的形状就像一个“V”字,有一个开口端面朝着细胞外。Nureki和研究小组认为,当一个质子在MATE蛋白细胞外侧上一个位点与之结合时,蛋白质的其中一个区段形状会由直转弯,将所有附近的外来分子推出细胞外。
“我认为这是向前迈出的重要一步。他们了解了一种直接机制:质子改变了蛋白质N-lobe槽的形状,”英国剑桥大学药理学家Hendrik Van Veen说。
加州大学圣地亚哥分校结构生物学家Geoffrey Chang说,这些结果与来自霍乱弧菌MATE蛋白的结果非常相似。Geoffrey和同事们曾在2010年报告了霍乱弧菌MATE的结构。“这三种结构很了不起,因为它们建立了整体的架构,”他说。
Nureki和研究团队还发现了一种肽可以抑制他们研究的这种MATE蛋白,并确定了它的结合位点及机制。Van Veen说,抑制性肽无需进入细胞就可以完成它的工作。这是一个有前景的概念证明,表明有可能制造出一种MATE阻断药物。
Nureki说,他发现的肽可能无法抑制P. furiosus之外生物体内MATE蛋白的活性。但他正在致力于鉴别人类和霍乱弧菌中MATE转运蛋白的封闭肽。“我们可以很容易地筛查出最适合每种MATE的肽。”
Structural basis for the drug extrusion mechanism by a MATE multidrug transporter
Yoshiki Tanaka, Christopher J-Hipolito, Andrés D-Maturana, Koichi Ito, Teruo Kuroda, Takashi Higuchi,Takayuki Katoh, Hideaki E-Kato,Motoyuki Hattori, Kaoru Kumazaki, Tomoya Tsukazaki, Ryuichiro Ishitani, Hiroaki Suga & Osamu Nureki.
Multidrug and toxic compound extrusion (MATE) family transporters are conserved in the three primary domains of life (Archaea, Bacteria and Eukarya), and export xenobiotics using an electrochemical gradient of H+ or Na+ across the membrane1, 2. MATE transporters confer multidrug resistance to bacterial pathogens3, 4, 5, 6 and cancer cells7, thus causing critical reductions in the therapeutic efficacies of antibiotics and anti-cancer drugs, respectively. Therefore, the development of MATE inhibitors has long been awaited in the field of clinical medicine8, 9. Here we present the crystal structures of the H+-driven MATE transporter from Pyrococcus furiosus in two distinct apo-form conformations, and in complexes with a derivative of the antibacterial drug norfloxacin and three in vitro selected thioether-macrocyclic peptides, at 2.1–3.0A resolutions. The structures, combined with functional analyses, show that the protonation of Asp?41 on the amino (N)-terminal lobe induces the bending of TM1, which in turn collapses the N-lobe cavity, thereby extruding the substrate drug to the extracellular space. Moreover, the macrocyclic peptides bind the central cleft in distinct manners, which correlate with their inhibitory activities. The strongest inhibitory peptide that occupies the N-lobe cavity may pave the way towards the development of efficient inhibitors against MATE transporters.