Fig. 1. The regulatory behaviors of 50 known or putative yeast cell cycle TFs. The descriptions are from Tables 1, 2, 3, 4 and 9 and the literature. TF in red (blue) means that genes in G are expressed significantly higher (lower) than genes in G-. TF in black means that, although it is not identified by the first method (detection of individual TFs), it is detected by the second method (detection of synergistic pairs). A TF filled with green means a known cell cycle TF, yellow means highly confident, and gray means plausible. An edge connecting two TFs implies that the two TFs are synergistic according to our analysis. An edge (,) in red (blue) means that TFs and have positive (negative) synergy; plausible pairs are in thin lines, and highly confident pairs are in thick lines. A synergistic pair in green means supported by literature, and a synergistic pair in yellow means consistent with predictions of other studies.