全球处于流行之势的肥胖症是引发Ⅱ型糖尿病和心血管疾病的重要高危因子,而人们对营养过剩通过怎样的生理学机制导致肥胖发生却所知甚微。脂肪组织分泌的细胞因子-瘦素(Leptin),通过作用于中枢神经下丘脑(Hypothalamus)中特定神经元上的瘦素受体(Ob-Rb)激活下游不同的信号通路,在能量与糖脂代谢平衡中起着至关重要的功能。瘦素抵抗(Leptin resistance-表现为瘦素信号转导能力的衰损)与肥胖症、糖尿病密切相关,但在生理学水平上对瘦素受体传导的信号机制仍旧缺乏全面的认知。因此,瘦素抵抗发生的病理学基础成为营养与代谢研究领域一个悬而未决的重要问题。
瘦素受体胞内端含有三个关键的酪氨酸(Tyrosine,Y)位点,其磷酸化能够激活JAK2-STAT3及ERK等通路,以此控制下游神经内分泌的信号功能,进而调节能量摄取与能量消耗的平衡以及葡萄糖的代谢。通过国际合作,刘勇研究员指导的博士研究生蒋雷、尤佳等将瘦素受体的胞内酪氨酸位点引入点突变,培育出两个品系的瘦素受体基因敲入(Knockin)小鼠模型:一个品系(Y123F)将985、1077和1138位的酪氨酸都突变为苯丙氨酸(Phenylalanine, F),而另一个品系(Y3F)则只将1138位的酪氨酸突变为苯丙氨酸,以此在生理学水平上探索瘦素受体介导的不同信号通路在能量代谢中的作用与机制。研究结果表明,985和1077位的酪氨酸主要参与糖代谢的调节,而1138位酪氨酸激活的STAT3通路则参与对饮食、能量消耗、体温的调控;更为重要的是,瘦素能够通过不依赖于酪氨酸介导的信号机制,在机体能量代谢平衡中发挥多方面的调节功能。这些发现为阐明瘦素抵抗、肥胖与糖代谢紊乱发生的分子基础提供了重要的生理学线索。
PNAS,doi: 10.1073/pnas.0804589105,Lei Jiang,Yong Liu
Tyrosine-dependent and -independent actions of leptin receptor in control of energy balance and glucose homeostasis
Lei Jianga,1, Jia Youa,1, Xinxin Yub, Lety Gonzalezb, Yue Yua, Qiong Wanga, Guoqing Yangb,2, Wenjun Lia, Cai Lib,3, and Yong Liua,4
Leptin regulates energy balance and glucose metabolism by activation of multiple signaling cascades mediated by the long-form leptin receptor Ob-Rb. However, the whole spectrum of signaling actions through the 3 cytoplasmic tyrosines of mouse Ob-Rb remains to be completely defined in vivo. Here, we generated 2 knockin lines of mice expressing mutant leptin receptors with phenylalanine substitution for all 3 tyrosines (Y123F) or for Tyr1138 alone (Y3F). Y123F animals developed overt obesity similar to that of Y3F animals with abrogated hypothalamic activation of STAT3 by leptin, but they exhibited more severe impairment in glucose tolerance. In striking contrast to db/db mice, however, both Y123F and Y3F mice showed attenuated adiposity with reduced hyperphagia, marked improvement in physical activity and adaptive thermogenesis, and significantly ameliorated glycemic control. Further, Y123F mice had hypothalamic neuropeptide Y/agouti-related protein expression maintained at prominently lower levels compared with db/db mice. Thus, these results provide direct physiological evidence that Ob-Rb exerts crucial metabolic actions not only through tyrosine-dependent, but also tyrosine-independent mechanisms in control of energy balance and glucose homeostasis.