台湾中央研究院分子生物研究所特聘研究员余淑美实验室于10月6日发表重要论文Coordinated Responses to Oxygen and Sugar Deficiency Allow Rice Seedlings to Tolerate Flooding,发现水稻耐淹水的关键基因,揭开数千年来所有谷类作物中,只有水稻种子可在水中发芽及成长的秘密。
论文刊登在国际专业期刊《科学—信号传导》(Science Signaling),该期刊隶属于国际顶尖期刊《科学》(Science)集团,专门以报道有关分子生物、神经科学、微生物、生理学与医学、细胞生物学等领域的最前端创新性论文为主。论文第一作者李国维是余淑美研究员的博士生,目前就读于国防医学院生命科学研究所博士班。
本篇论文重要的贡献是清楚呈现“蛋白激酶”(CIPK15)为调控水稻耐淹水的关键基因。研究团队发现,当水稻种子在淹水状态下,将缺氧讯息传递到CIPK15,接着再调控细胞内具有监测能量多寡及感应逆境的多功能蛋白激酶(SnRK1A),然后透过糖讯息传递途径在水稻种子内大量制造淀粉水解酶(amylase)将淀粉转化成糖,同时大量制造酒精脱氢酶(alcohol dehydrogenase)将糖发酵产生能量(ATP),使种子有足够碳水化合物及能量而能够在水中发芽。等小苗快速生长至水面可以呼吸更多空气后,根部以同样原理制造碳水化合物及能量,而使植株可在半淹水稻田中生长。其他谷类作物及杂草并无这些能力,因此无法在水中发芽及生长。
Sci. Signal., 6 October 2009 DOI: 10.1126/scisignal.2000333
Coordinated Responses to Oxygen and Sugar Deficiency Allow Rice Seedlings to Tolerate Flooding
Kuo-Wei Lee1,6, Peng-Wen Chen2, Chung-An Lu3, Shu Chen4, Tuan-Hua David Ho5, and Su-May Yu6*
1 Graduate Institute of Life Sciences, National Defense Medical Center, Neihu, Taipei 114, Taiwan, ROC.
2 Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology, National Chiayi University, Chiayi City 600, Taiwan, ROC.
3 Department of Life Sciences, National Central University, Jhongli City, Taoyuan County 320, Taiwan, ROC.
4 Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute, Wufeng, Taichung 413, Taiwan, ROC.
5 Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology, Academia Sinica, Nankang, Taipei 115, Taiwan, ROC.
6 Institute of Molecular Biology, Academia Sinica, Nankang, Taipei 115, Taiwan, ROC.
Abstract: Flooding is a widespread natural disaster that leads to oxygen (O2) and energy deficiency in terrestrial plants, thereby reducing their productivity. Rice is unusually tolerant to flooding, but the underlying mechanism for this tolerance has remained elusive. Here, we show that protein kinase CIPK15 [calcineurin B–like (CBL)–interacting protein kinase] plays a key role in O2-deficiency tolerance in rice. CIPK15 regulates the plant global energy and stress sensor SnRK1A (Snf1-related protein kinase 1) and links O2-deficiency signals to the SnRK1-dependent sugar-sensing cascade to regulate sugar and energy production and to enable rice growth under floodwater. Our studies contribute to understanding how rice grows under the conditions of O2 deficiency necessary for growing rice in irrigated lowlands.