中科院生态环境研究中心江桂斌研究组首次发现并确证了全氟碘烷的雌激素效应,解释了其构效关系,为研究全氟类化合物的内分泌干扰效应提供了重要依据。相关论文近日发表在由美国国家环境健康研究所主办的《环境与健康展望》(Environmental Health Perspectives)期刊上。
同时,通过比较不同全氟类化合物和全氟碘烷的雌激素效应,该研究发现全氟碘烷的雌激素效应与全氟碳链的长度、氟取代程度和碘元素取代相关。其结构与传统具有酚羟基结构的雌激素类化合物具有明显差异。研究人员对全氟碘烷类化合物的雌激素效应的机理进行推测,认为其羟基化代谢产物可能是激活雌激素受体的目标分子。(生物谷 Bioon.com)
The in Vitro Estrogenic Activities of Polyfluorinated Iodine Alkanes
Chang Wang, Thanh Wang, Wei Liu, Ting Ruan, Qunfang Zhou, Jiyan Liu, Aiqian Zhang, Bin Zhao, Guibin Jiang.
Background: Polyfluorinated iodine alkanes (PFIs) are important intermediates in the synthesis of organic fluoride products. Recently, PFIs have been detected in fluoropolymers as residual raw materials, as well as in the ambient environment.
Objectives: High production volumes and potential environmental releases of PFIs might become a concern, but the exposure risk and toxicity of these chemicals are still unclear. In this study, we investigated the potential estrogenic effects of PFIs.
Methods: We studied the estrogenic effects of fluorinated iodine alkanes (FIAs), fluorinated telomer iodides (FTIs), and fluorinated diiodine alkanes (FDIAs) using the E-screen and MVLN assays and the evaluation of estrogen-responsive genes in MCF-7 cells.
Results: FIAs have an iodine atom at one end of the perfluorinated carbon chain. 1-Iodoperfluorohexane (PFHxI) and 1-iodoperfluorooctane (PFOI) promoted the proliferation of MCF-7 cells, induced luciferase activity in MVLN cells, and up-regulated the expression of TFF1 and EGR3. In these assays, other FIAs gave negative responses. FDIAs have an iodine atom at each end of the perfluorinated carbon chain, and all the FDIAs showed estrogenic effects. The estrogenic potencies of FIAs and FDIAs correlate well with the carbon chain length of the chemicals. The optimum chain length for estrogenic effects is six carbons, and then eight and four carbons. All FTIs have a single iodine atom at the end of a partially fluorinated carbon chain. None of the FTIs showed estrogenic effects in the tests.
Conclusions: The estrogenic effects of PFIs are dependent on the structural features of iodine substitution and chain length. This research will be helpful in further understanding the estrogenic effects of perfluorinated compounds.