有关脂肪酸与疾病风险的研究目前大多采用膳食问卷方法,因而在很大程度上受到回忆偏倚、营养素含量评估误差、以及不同国家地区食物成分表是否完整等因素的影响。红细胞膜由于具有较长的半衰期,与血浆脂肪酸相比能更好地反映机体中长期脂肪酸摄入状况,尤其是人体不能合成的必需脂肪酸如亚油酸、α-亚麻酸等。目前通过运用高通量仪器检测营养素生物标记物是国际上的研究热点。在最近数十年中,我国经历着快速的营养和流行病学的转型,居民膳食结构改变的主要特征为高脂和动物性食物显著增加。膳食结构的变化不仅会改变营养素的摄入总量,而且会改变其种类和比例。越来越多的数据表明,增加鱼类、鱼油和长链n-3脂肪酸[二十碳五烯酸(Eicosapentaenoic acid, EPA)和二十二碳六烯酸(Docosahexaenoic acid,DHA)的摄入对心血管疾病发病具有保护作用,但其与代谢综合征和2型糖尿病方面的研究相对较少,结论也不一致。与此同时,反式脂肪酸,尤其是工业氢化植物油来源的反式脂肪酸对心血管疾病的危害已被多个研究证实,但与2型糖尿病相关的研究非常缺乏。尤其是来源于反刍动物制品的天然反式脂肪酸与慢性代谢性疾病的关系尚存争议。
在红细胞膜n-3脂肪酸的研究中,林旭研究组的博士生张赓等人发现:我国南、北方居民的n-3多不饱和脂肪酸含量存在着显著的地区差异;南方高于北方;与最低组相比,DHA含量在最高四分位的个体罹患代谢综合征的风险降低了25%。而EPA与代谢综合征之间并没有显著相关性。该研究相关成果已经发表在国际临床内分泌知名杂志Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism。
ArticleErythrocyte trans-fatty acids, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular risk factors in middle-aged and older Chinese individuals
D. X. Yu, Q. Sun, X. W. Ye, A. Pan, G. Zong, Y. H. Zhou, H. X. Li, F. B. Hu and X. Lin
Aims/hypothesis Few data are available about intakes and food sources of trans-fatty acids (TFAs) or their associations with cardiometabolic outcomes in Asian people who consume a prudent diet but are experiencing rapid nutritional transitions. We aimed to investigate the relationships between TFA biomarkers and type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular risk factors in Chinese individuals. Methods Erythrocyte fatty acids were measured by gas chromatography among 3,107 men and women (50–70 years) recruited from urban and rural areas in Beijing and Shanghai, China. Results Total trans-18:1 and two trans-18:2 isomers were detected and accounted for 0.37% of the total fatty acids in the erythrocytes. Concentrations of TFAs were higher in women than men, and in urban than rural residents. Of the TFAs, trans-18:1, but not trans-18:2, showed a modest association with dairy consumption (β?=?0.27), but not with other foods. After adjustment for BMI, social-demographic, lifestyle and dietary factors and other TFAs, erythrocyte trans-18:1 was shown to be associated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes (OR comparing extreme [first and fourth] quartiles 0.68, 95% CI 0.48, 0.97, p trend?=?0.02), as well as 20–50% lower odds of central obesity, dyslipidaemia, hyperglycaemia, insulin resistance and chronic inflammation. In contrast, trans-18:2 fatty acids were positively associated with high triacylglycerol (p trend?<?0.001) and LDL-cholesterol (p trend?=?0.03) levels, but not with diabetes and other cardiometabolic risk factors. Conclusions/interpretation Among middle-aged and older Chinese individuals with overall low erythrocyte TFAs levels, trans-18:1 might serve as a marker of dairy intake. Higher trans-18:1 levels were associated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes, whereas higher trans-18:2 levels were associated with dyslipidaemia.