日前,一项新研究指出,在乡村地区出生并成长起来的人,晚年患阿尔茨海默氏症的几率比生活在城市里的人要高两倍多。研究人员将相关研究成果发表在《国际流行病学期刊》(International Journal of Epidemiology)上。
英国阿尔茨海默氏症研究专家Simon Ridley则表示,该研究数据显示了乡村生活和阿尔茨海默氏症发病几率及普遍性之间的联系,但是,这些复杂的证据并不足以引起人潮涌入城市。(生物谷Bioon.com)
Geographical variation in dementia: systematic review with meta-analysis
Tom C Russ1,2,3,*, G David Batty4, Gena F Hearnshaw5, Candida Fenton6 and John M Starr
Background Geographical variation in dementia prevalence and incidence may indicate important socio-environmental contributions to dementia aetiology. However, previous comparisons have been hampered by combining studies with different methodologies. This review systematically collates and synthesizes studies examining geographical variation in the prevalence and incidence of dementia based on comparisons of studies using identical methodologies. Methods Papers were identified by a comprehensive electronic search of relevant databases, scrutinising the reference sections of identified publications, contacting experts in the field and re-examining papers already known to us. Identified articles were independently reviewed against inclusion/exclusion criteria and considered according to geographical scale. Rural/urban comparisons were meta-analysed. Results Twelve thousand five hundred and eighty records were reviewed and 51 articles were included. Dementia prevalence and incidence varies at a number of scales from the national down to small areas, including some evidence of an effect of rural living [prevalence odds ratio (OR)?=?1.11, 90% confidence interval (CI) 0.79–1.57; incidence OR?=?1.20, 90% CI 0.84–1.71]. However, this association of rurality was stronger for Alzheimer disease, particularly when early life rural living was captured (prevalence OR?=?2.22, 90% CI 1.19–4.16; incidence OR?=?1.64, 90% CI 1.08–2.50). Conclusions There is evidence of geographical variation in rates of dementia in affluent countries at a variety of geographical scales. Rural living is associated with an increased risk of Alzheimer disease, and there is a suggestion that early life rural living further increases this risk. However, the fact that few studies have been conducted in resource-poor countries limits conclusions.