这些哺乳动物的磨牙相对较复杂,带有数种不同的组织类型,但爬行动物通常拥有简单的,只有2种组织类型的牙齿,这些组织为: 硬珐琅质及一种较软、骨头样的材料。Gregory Erickson及其同事分析了鸭嘴龙牙齿的化石并显示它们实际上是由6种组织组成的,而且属于那些任何已知动物中最复杂的牙齿。
doi: 10.1126/science.1224495
Complex Dental Structure and Wear Biomechanics in Hadrosaurid Dinosaurs
Gregory M. Erickson, Brandon A. Krick, Matthew Hamilton, Gerald R. Bourne, Mark A. Norell, Erica Lilleodden, W. Gregory Sawyer
Mammalian grinding dentitions are composed of four major tissues that wear differentially, creating coarse surfaces for pulverizing tough plants and liberating nutrients. Although such dentition evolved repeatedly in mammals (such as horses, bison, and elephants), a similar innovation occurred much earlier (~85 million years ago) within the duck-billed dinosaur group Hadrosauridae, fueling their 35-million-year occupation of Laurasian megaherbivorous niches. How this complexity was achieved is unknown, as reptilian teeth are generally two-tissue structures presumably lacking biomechanical attributes for grinding. Here we show that hadrosaurids broke from the primitive reptilian archetype and evolved a six-tissue dental composition that is among the most sophisticated known. Three-dimensional wear models incorporating fossilized wear properties reveal how these tissues interacted for grinding and ecological specialization.