在寒武纪动物园中有一种无脊椎小动物,名为抚仙湖虫。作为来自云南省澄江化石遗址的中国保存最完美的、5.2亿年前的动物群的一部分,这种11厘米长的无脊椎动物是最早的节肢动物之一。正如英国伦敦自然历史博物馆的古生物学家Gregory Edgecombe及其同事在10月11日出版的《自然》杂志上报告的那样,其中一个样本可能含有早期神经解剖学特征的痕迹。
瑞典乌普萨拉大学的古生物学家Graham Budd想要看看其他的化石并加以对比。但他指出,“所有的细节都符合”这是一个抚仙湖虫大脑残留物的推断。这一大脑的复杂结构并没有让Budd感到吃惊。他强调:“无论何时,一个复杂的视觉系统开始进化,显然就有一个强大的选择压力来优化神经系统对它进行支持。”最重要的是,他认为,化石为研究人员带来了早期节肢动物大脑的“真实数据”,按照之前关于大脑如何进化的假设,这就像“把一只猫抛到鸽舍中一样”。Budd说:“这太刺激了。”
但并非所有人都同意在抚仙湖虫化石中保存的结构可以进行明确的阐释。按照德国莱比锡大学专门研究节肢动物神经解剖学的Georg Mayer的观点:“这些材料的保存确实完美,但其中的暗斑很可能代表了一种神经残留物、肌肉和消化系统的混合物。”
Complex brain and optic lobes in an early Cambrian arthropod
Xiaoya Ma, Xianguang Hou, Gregory D. Edgecombe & Nicholas J. Strausfeld
The nervous system provides a fundamental source of data for understanding the evolutionary relationships between major arthropod groups. Fossil arthropods rarely preserve neural tissue. As a result, inferring sensory and motor attributes of Cambrian taxa has been limited to interpreting external features, such as compound eyes or sensilla decorating appendages, and early-diverging arthropods have scarcely been analysed in the context of nervous system evolution. Here we report exceptional preservation of the brain and optic lobes of a stem-group arthropod from 520 million years ago (Myr ago), Fuxianhuia protensa, exhibiting the most compelling neuroanatomy known from the Cambrian. The protocerebrum of Fuxianhuia is supplied by optic lobes evidencing traces of three nested optic centres serving forward-viewing eyes. Nerves from uniramous antennae define the deutocerebrum, and a stout pair of more caudal nerves indicates a contiguous tritocerebral component. Fuxianhuia shares a tripartite pre-stomodeal brain and nested optic neuropils with extant Malacostraca and Insecta, demonstrating that these characters were present in some of the earliest derived arthropods. The brain of Fuxianhuia impacts molecular analyses that advocate either a branchiopod-like ancestor of Hexapoda or remipedes and possibly cephalocarids as sister groups of Hexapoda. Resolving arguments about whether the simple brain of a branchiopod approximates an ancestral insect brain or whether it is the result of secondary simplification has until now been hindered by lack of fossil evidence. The complex brain of Fuxianhuia accords with cladistic analyses on the basis of neural characters, suggesting that Branchiopoda derive from a malacostracan-like ancestor but underwent evolutionary reduction and character reversal of brain centres that are common to hexapods and malacostracans. The early origin of sophisticated brains provides a probable driver for versatile visual behaviours, a view that accords with compound eyes from the early Cambrian that were, in size and resolution, equal to those of modern insects and malacostracans.