国际著名学术期刊《美国人类遗传学杂志》(AJHG)在线发表了上海生命科学研究院计算生物学所徐书华课题组的最新研究成果Exploring Population Admixture Dynamics via Empirical and Simulated Genome-Wide Distribution of Ancestral Chromosomal Segments。该研究首先建立了新的方法研究群体混合历史以及混合动力学机制,然后应用该方法对美国黑人、墨西哥人等典型混合人群进行了具体研究并获得了比先前更加可靠的结果和结论。
该研究首先提出两种可以用来研究群体混合历史和混合动力学机制的方法:祖先染色体片段分布法和个体祖先比例分布法。通过对全基因组的模拟数据和实际数据进行比较分析,发现来自于不同祖先来源的染色体片段分布比个体祖先比例分布有更高的统计效力,且较少的受到抽样误差的影响,并能追溯更久远的人群混合历史。对1890个美国黑人的全基因组数据进行分析后发现,美国黑人的祖先染色体片段分布更符合14个世代持续接受欧洲白人基因流模型(continuous gene flow model)。该研究还发现一些美国黑人的欧洲白人祖先成分要显著高于基于随机婚配模型的计算机模拟样本,表明美国黑人人群存在隐藏的群体亚结构,推测这种群体亚结构很可能由一些美国黑人家系在历史上持续与欧洲白人通婚所导致。该研究还发现墨西哥人的混合历史更加符合24个世代的渐混模型(gradual admixture model),同时该研究也对中东一些人群的混合历史作了探讨。总之,该项研究成果不仅提供了研究群体混合历史和形成机制的新方法,而且丰富了人们对混合人群历史的新认识,同时对在混合人群中进行复杂疾病研究的实验设计、数据分析及结果解释有理论指导意义。
doi:10.1016 /j.ajhg.2012.09. 008
Exploring Population Admixture Dynamics via Empirical and Simulated Genome-Wide Distribution of Ancestral Chromosomal Segments
Wenfei Jin, Sijia Wang, Haifeng Wang, Li Jin, Shuhua Xu
The processes of genetic admixture determine the haplotype structure and linkage disequilibrium patterns of the admixed population, which is important for medical and evolutionary studies. However, most previous studies do not consider the inherent complexity of admixture processes. Here we proposed two approaches to explore population admixture dynamics, and we demonstrated, by analyzing genome-wide empirical and simulated data, that the approach based on the distribution of chromosomal segments of distinct ancestry (CSDAs) was more powerful than that based on the distribution of individual ancestry proportions. Analysis of 1,890 African Americans showed that a continuous gene flow model, in which the African American population continuously received gene flow from European populations over about 14 generations, best explained the admixture dynamics of African Americans among several putative models. Interestingly, we observed that some African Americans had much more European ancestry than the simulated samples, indicating substructures of local ancestries in African Americans that could have been caused by individuals from some particular lineages having repeatedly admixed with people of European ancestry. In contrast, the admixture dynamics of Mexicans could be explained by a gradual admixture model in which the Mexican population continuously received gene flow from both European and Amerindian populations over about 24 generations. Our results also indicated that recent gene flows from Sub-Saharan Africans have contributed to the gene pool of Middle Eastern populations such as Mozabite, Bedouin, and Palestinian. In summary, this study not only provides approaches to explore population admixture dynamics, but also advances our understanding on population history of African Americans, Mexicans, and Middle Eastern populations.