细菌能自发产生、释放一些特定的信号分子,并能感知其浓度变化,调节微生物的群体行为,这一调控系统称为群体感应(quorum sensing,QS)。细菌群体感应在细菌和宿主之间的相互作用中起着重要的调控作用。
在链霉菌中,γ-丁酸内酯(gamma-butyrolactone) 类群体感应信号系统在次级代谢合成调控中扮演着重要的角色。其中,γ-丁酸内酯识别受体作为该信号途径的基础执行者被广为研究。然而,链霉菌的基因组中存在大量的“疑似”γ-丁酸内酯受体的编码基因,其中一些成员被证明并不能结合γ-丁酸内酯,因此它们被称为假γ-丁酸内酯受体蛋白。
上述结果所形成的研究论文近日在Molecular Microbiology发表。(生物谷 Bioon.com)
A novel role of ‘pseudo’γ‐utyrolactone receptors in controlling γ‐utyrolactone biosynthesis in Streptomyces
Wang, Juan; Wang, Weishan; Wang, Linqi; Zhang, Guifeng; Fan, Keqiang; Tan, Huarong; Yang, Keqian
In streptomycetes, a quorum-sensing mechanism mediated by -butyrolactones (GBLs) and their cognate receptors was known to trigger secondary metabolism and morphological differentiation. However, many aspects on the control of GBL signal production are not understood. In this work, we report that ScbR2, the pseudo GBL receptor in Streptomyces coelicolor, negatively controls the biosynthesis of -butyrolactone (SCB1) by directly repressing the transcription of scbA, which encodes the key enzyme for SCB1 biosynthesis. Similarly, the pseudo GBL receptor JadR2 in Streptomyces venezuelae was shown to repress the expression of jadW1, which also encodes the putative GBL synthase. These regulatory relationships were verified in Escherichia coli using lux-based reporter constructs. Additionally, the temporal expression profiles of scbA, scbR2 and scbR (receptor gene for SCB1) were examined in Streptomyces coelicolor, which showed the sequential expression of ScbR/R2 regulators in the control of SCB1 production. Overall, our results clearly demonstrated that pseudo GBL receptors play a novel role in controlling GBL biosynthesis in streptomycetes. As ScbR/R2 homologues and their binding sites upstream of GBL synthase genes are commonly found in Streptomyces species, and ScbR2 homologues cross-recognize each other's target promoters, the ScbA/R/R2 quorum-sensing regulatory system appears to represent an evolutionarily conserved signal control mechanism.