中科院上海植物逆境生物学研究中心朱健康课题组、中科院上海药物研究所徐华强课题组和中科院广州生物医药与健康研究院许永研究员在最新的研究中,共同发现了脱落酸(Abscisic acid, ABA)受体激动剂AM1(ABA mimic 1)。AM1是一种具有脱落酸活性的小分子化合物,喷施于植物后可以降低叶片的失水速率,显着提高植物在干旱环境下的成活率,这一新发现为农业生产中的节水抗旱提供了新思路。7月9日,相关研究成果发表在国际学术期刊Cell Research上。
脱落酸是应对环境胁迫的主要植物激素,可以促进叶片气孔关闭以减少水分蒸发,从而帮助植物有效应对干旱的威胁。朱健康研究员长期从事植物抗逆生理和ABA信号传导的研究,2009年与徐华强研究员合作解析了ABA受体的结构,被Science杂志评为了当年度十大科学发现之一。在此研究工作的基础上,借助于模式植物拟南芥的PYR1蛋白,研究人员从人工合成的小分子化合物库中筛选得到PYR1受体的激动剂AM1(ABA mimic 1)。AM1可以通过激活拟南芥中的多个脱落酸受体来模拟天然脱落酸的作用,与天然脱落酸相比,此次发现的AM1结构简单且不存在旋光异构体、易于合成和纯化、成本更低,且AM1的生理活性较之前发现的脱落酸类似物Pyrabactin高出一个数量级,在种子萌发和营养生长等多个生理阶段均可发挥作用。由于脱落酸受体的氨基酸序列在高等植物中非常保守,因此AM1无需进行改造即可同时应用于大面积、多种类的农作物。
Cell Research doi:10.1038/cr.2013.95
An ABA-mimicking ligand that reduces water loss and promotes drought resistance in plants
Minjie Cao, Xue Liu, Yan Zhang, Xiaoqian Xue, X Edward Zhou, Karsten Melcher, Pan Gao, Fuxing Wang, Liang Zeng, Yang Zhao, Yang Zhao, Pan Deng, Dafang Zhong, Jian-Kang Zhu, H Eric Xu and Yong Xu
Abscisic acid (ABA) is the most important hormone for plants to resist drought and other abiotic stresses. ABA binds directly to the PYR/PYL family of ABA receptors, resulting in inhibition of type 2C phosphatases (PP2C) and activation of downstream ABA signaling. It is envisioned that intervention of ABA signaling by small molecules could help plants to overcome abiotic stresses such as drought, cold and soil salinity. However, chemical instability and rapid catabolism by plant enzymes limit the practical application of ABA itself. Here we report the identification of a small molecule ABA mimic (AM1) that acts as a potent activator of multiple members of the family of ABA receptors. In Arabidopsis, AM1 activates a gene network that is highly similar to that induced by ABA. Treatments with AM1 inhibit seed germination, prevent leaf water loss, and promote drought resistance. We solved the crystal structure of AM1 in complex with the PYL2 ABA receptor and the HAB1 PP2C, which revealed that AM1 mediates a gate-latch-lock interacting network, a structural feature that is conserved in the ABA-bound receptor/PP2C complex. Together, these results demonstrate that a single small molecule ABA mimic can activate multiple ABA receptors and protect plants from water loss and drought stress. Moreover, the AM1 complex crystal structure provides a structural basis for designing the next generation of ABA-mimicking small molecules.