最近,科学家发现脂肪细胞中的蛋白会在志愿者体重下降的情况下发生了变化。这些蛋白可能会成为用于监控或改善低热量饮食效果的指标。研究成果刊登在美国化学学会(ACS)旗下《蛋白质组研究杂志》(Journalof Proteome Research)网站上。
领导实施这项研究的爱德温-马里曼(Edwin Mariman)及其同事指出,科学家很久以前便清楚,严格限制热量摄入的同时维持良好的营养补剂,可以使动物活得更长久,而且更健康。之前的研究表明,人类这样做可能会获得类似的效果。但是,科学家对这些饮食习惯对人类的作用机制尤其是对存储脂肪的细胞的作用知之甚少。
J. Proteome Res., 2009, 8 (12), pp 5532–5540 DOI: 10.1021/pr900606m
The Physiologic Effects of Caloric Restriction Are Reflected in the in Vivo Adipocyte-Enriched Proteome of Overweight/Obese Subjects
Freek G. Bouwman, Mandy Claessens, Marleen A. van Baak, Jean-Paul Noben, Ping Wang, Wim H. M. Saris and Edwin C. M. Mariman*
NUTRIM School for Nutrition, Toxicology and Metabolism, Department of Human Biology, Maastricht University Medical Centre+, P.O. Box 616, NL-6200MD Maastricht, The Netherlands, and Hasselt University, Biomedical Research Institute and Transnational University Limburg, School of Life Sciences, Diepenbeek, Belgium
We have applied our recently designed proteomics apparoach to search for protein changes in the in vivo adipocyte-enriched proteome from 8 overweight/obese subjects who underwent an intervention of 5 weeks of a very low calorie diet followed by 3 weeks of a normal diet. On average, persons lost 9.5 kg body weight largely contributed by the loss of fat mass (7.1 kg). Various parameters of adiposity and lipid metabolism changed significantly. Proteomics analysis revealed 6 significantly changed proteins. Analysis indicates that fructose-bisphosphate aldolase C and tubulin beta 5 are potential biomarkers for the present intervention. Further, identified proteins indicate a reduced intracellular scaffolding of GLUT4 (ALDOC, TUBB5, ANXA2), an increased uptake of fatty acids (FABP4), an improved inflammatory profile of the adipose tissue (ApoA1, AOP1) and a change in fat droplet organization (vimentin). Correlation analysis between changes in protein spot intensities and parameters of adiposity or lipid metabolism points to a link between aldo-ketoreductase 1C2 and parameters of adiposity, between FABP4 and parameters of lipid metabolism, and between proteins for beta-oxidation (HADH, ACADS, ACAT1) and FFA levels. Altogether, our findings underscore the potential value of in vivo proteomics for human intervention studies.