据悉,第三代辅助生殖技术在1990年获得成功。这项技术主要针对家族遗传病史的人群及高龄产妇,在其胚胎发育早期利用胚胎活检技术去除一个卵裂球,经分子生物学检测后,正常的胚胎将被移入妇女子宫,而异常的胚胎将被弃掉,因此这种技术称之为植入前遗传诊断(Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis,PGD)技术。这项技术的重要意义在于已经不单单是针对治疗那些不孕不育人群,而是通过这项技术可以提高整体的人口出生质量,提高人口素质。但是针对这项技术开展的基础研究还比较薄弱,特别是针对该技术在子代长期发育中是否存在潜在的风险还没有被阐述。(生物谷Bioon.com)
Mol Cell Proteomics. 2009 Mar 11
Evaluation of blastomere biopsy using mouse model indicates the potential high-risk of neurodegenerative disorders in the offspring.
Yu Y, Wu J, Fan Y, Lv Z, Guo X, Zhao C, Zhou R, Zhang Z, Wang F, Xiao M, Chen L, Zhu H, Chen W, Lin M, Liu J, Zhou Z, Wang L, Huo R, Zhou Q, Sha J.
Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), used in clinical practice, is offered to couples that may suffer from a monogenetic disorder, chromosome aneuploidy or X-linked disease. However, blastomere biopsy, as an indispensable manipulation during the PGD procedure has not been assessed for its long-term health implications. Using a mouse model, we have investigated the effect of blastomere biopsy of in vitro cultured 4-cell embryos on preimplantation development efficiency, postnatal growth, physiological and behavioral activity compared with control, non-biopsied embryos. The mice generated after blastomere biopsy showed weight increase and some memory decline compared with the control group. Further, protein expression profiles in adult brains were analyzed by a proteomics approach. A total of 36 proteins were indentified with significant differences between the biopsied and control groups, and the alterations in expression of most of these proteins have been associated with neurodegenerative diseases. Furthermore, hypomyelination of the nerve fibers was evidently observed in the brains of mice in the biopsied group. This study suggested that the nervous system may be sensitive to blastomere biopsy procedures and indicated an increased relative risk of neurodegenerative disorders in the offspring generated following blastomere biopsy. Thus, more studies should be performed to address the possible adverse effects of blastomere biopsy on the development of offspring and the overall safety of PGD technology should be more rigorously assessed.