(封面图片:三个核小体的镶嵌图像,这些图像利用酵母群落小点的彩色图像合成而来,酵母群落用于分析大量组蛋白变异的分子磁条。整个图像由9350单幅图像合成。封面设计:Bang Wong,Clearscience,Janet Iwasa)
在2008年9月19日出版的《细胞》(Cell)上,来自美国约翰霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins University)的Dai等科学家以封面文章的形式发表了他们的最新研究结果。利用一种综合方法,科学家建立了啤酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)组蛋白H3和H4的一个文库,文库中组蛋白H3和H4的代换、删除变异能探明各自组蛋白残基对核小体功能的作用。通过研究,科学家们探明了不同残基各自对染色体完整性、转录的贡献,并且得到了核小体表面化学敏感性以及转录沉默条件的全面模式。
每个组蛋白变异都有一个独一无二的分子磁条(molecular barcode),这使得通过分子磁条放大、标记和TAG微阵列杂交就能很容易的实现组蛋白变异的辨认。分子磁条被用于记录多种表型例如竞争适度、DNA修复熟度、以及基因相互作用等等。
Cell,Vol 134, 1066-1078, 19 September 2008,Junbiao Dai, Jef D. Boeke
Probing Nucleosome Function: A Highly Versatile Library of Synthetic Histone H3 and H4 Mutants
Junbiao Dai,1,3 Edel M. Hyland,1,3 Daniel S. Yuan,1 Hailiang Huang,1,2 Joel S. Bader,1,2 and Jef D. Boeke1,
1 High Throughput Biology Center, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21205, USA
2 Department of Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218, USA
Nucleosome structural integrity underlies the regulation of DNA metabolism and transcription. Using a synthetic approach, a versatile library of 486 systematic histone H3 and H4 substitution and deletion mutants that probes the contribution of each residue to nucleosome function was generated in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We probed fitness contributions of each residue to perturbations of chromosome integrity and transcription, mapping global patterns of chemical sensitivities and requirements for transcriptional silencing onto the nucleosome surface. Each histone mutant was tagged with unique molecular barcodes, facilitating identification of histone mutant pools through barcode amplification, labeling, and TAG microarray hybridization. Barcodes were used to score complex phenotypes such as competitive fitness in a chemostat, DNA repair proficiency, and synthetic genetic interactions, revealing new functions for distinct histone residues and new interdependencies among nucleosome components and their modifiers.