中科院上海生物化学与细胞生物学研究所赵允研究组、张雷研究组在与加拿大多伦多大学教授Chi-chung Hui进行合作研究的过程中,揭示了一种新的蛋白质部分降解机制。相关研究成果日前在线发表于学术期刊《发育细胞》。
Developmental Cell Doi:10.1016/j.devcel.2013.05.
Ter94 ATPase Complex Targets K11-Linked Ubiquitinated Ci to Proteasomes for Partial Degradation
Zhao Zhang, Xiangdong Lv, Wen-chi Yin, Xiaoyun Zhang, Jing Feng, Wenqing Wu, Chi-chung Hui, Lei Zhang, Yun Zhao
The Cubitus interruptus (Ci)/Gli family of transcription factors can be degraded either completely or partially from a full-length form (Ci155/GliFL) to a truncated repressor (Ci75/GliR) by proteasomes to mediate Hedgehog (Hh) signaling. The mechanism by which proteasomes distinguish ubiquitinated Ci/Gli to carry out complete versus partial degradation is not known. Here, we show that Ter94 ATPase and its mammalian counterpart, p97, are involved in processing Ci and Gli3 into Ci75 and Gli3R, respectively. Ter94 regulates the partial degradation of ubiquitinated Ci by Cul1-Slimb-based E3 ligase through its adaptors Ufd1-like and dNpl4. We demonstrate that Cul1-Slimb-based E3 ligase, but not Cul3-Rdx-based E3 ligase, modifies Ci by efficient addition of K11-linked ubiquitin chains. Ter94Ufd1-like/dNpl4 complex interacts directly with Cul1-Slimb, and, intriguingly, it prefers K11-linked ubiquitinated Ci. Thus, Ter94 ATPase and K11-linked ubiquitination in Ci contribute to the selectivity by proteasomes for partial degradation.