The genome has more than one code for specifying life. The hunt for the various types of noncoding DNA that control gene expression is heating up
Molecular biologists may have sequenced the human genome, but it's going to take molecular cryptographers to crack its complex code. Genes, keystones to the development and functioning of all organisms, can't by themselves explain what makes cows cows and corn corn: The same genes have turned up in organisms as different as, say, mice and jellyfish. Instead, new findings from a variety of researchers have made clear that it's the genome's exquisite control of each gene's activity--and not the genes per se--that matters most.
"The evolution of the genetic diversity of animal forms is really due to differences in gene regulation," says Michael Levine, an evolutionary biologist at the University of California (UC), Berkeley. Turning on a gene at a different time, or in a new place, or under new circumstances can cause variations in, say, size, coloration, or behavior. If the outcome of that new regulatory pattern improves an organism's mating success or ability to cope with harsh conditions, then it sets the stage for long-term changes and, possibly, the evolution of new species.
Unfortunately, "people don't look to regulatory elements as the cause of the variation they see," says Stephen Proulx of the University of Oregon, Eugene. These elements are "a major part of the [evolution] story that's been overlooked," Levine says.
That neglect is now being righted. Although many biologists remain gene-centric, an increasing number are trying to factor in the effects of gene regulation. Researchers are beginning to come up with efficient ways to locate the different regulatory regions scattered along the strands of DNA. Others are piecing together the workings of transcription factors, proteins that interact with regulatory DNA and with each other to guide gene activity. They are homing in on exactly where transcription factors operate along the DNA and what they do to ensure that a gene turns on at the right time and in the right amount.
Most are tackling the functions of regulatory elements one at a time, although a few are taking more global and bioinformatics approaches (see sidebar on p. 635). At the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in Pasadena, one group is trying to identify all the regulatory interactions in maturing embryos; their goal is to elucidate how genes and regulatory DNA work together to guide development and also how those interactions change over evolutionary time.
All this work is making clear that buried in DNA sequence is a regulatory code akin to the genetic code "but infinitely more complicated," says Michael Eisen, a computational biologist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California. Researchers can predict the proteins specified by the genetic code, but, he adds, "we can't predict gene expression by simply looking at the sequence."
Manolis Dermitzakis of the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute in Cambridge, U.K., agrees: "The complexity of the genome is much higher than we have defined for the past 20 years. We have to change our way of thinking."
Model organism. Fruit flies have played a critical role in the search for stretches of regulatory DNA called enhancers, which control gene expression by binding to one or more transcription factors.
From genes to regulation
At the Medical Research Council's Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, U.K., Francis Crick--co-discoverer of DNA's structure--Sydney Brenner, and their colleagues took the first steps toward figuring out how genomes work. In 1966, they proved that genes are written in a three-unit code, each of which specifies a particular amino acid. By combining these threesomes, called codons, in different ways, the genome encodes instructions for thousands of proteins. This discovery focused the spotlight on genes themselves and the coding regions within them; for decades biologists called the intervening DNA "junk."
Consequently, the notion of gene regulation languished, even when results pointed to its importance. In the early 1970s, Allan Wilson of UC Berkeley and his student, Mary Claire King, demonstrated that humans and chimps are quite similar in their genes. The key to what makes the two species so different, they suggested, lies in where and when those genes are active.
But not until 2 years ago did experiments begin to bear out this idea. Wolfgang Enard of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, and his colleagues compared the expression of many genes in tissues from chimps and humans. Certain genes are far more active in the human brain than in the chimp brain, they reported in the 12 April 2002 issue of Science (p. 340), a finding that supports Wilson and King's ideas.
Enard's 2002 work came on the heels of dozens of other studies suggesting that gene changes are not the be-all and end-all of evolutionary innovation. Instead, researchers increasingly attribute innovation to a variety of types of regulatory DNA, some just recently detected. Certain genes code for the proteins that make up the transcription machinery, which binds to promoters, the DNA right at the beginning of a coding sequence. Other genes code for transcription factors that can be located anywhere in the genome. All affect their target genes by attaching to regulatory DNA--sometimes called modules--that's usually near but not next to a gene. Protein-laden modules that stimulate gene activity are called enhancers; those that dampen activity are called silencers.
Genome cryptography. The regulatory code is encoded in the arrangement of an enhancer's DNA binding sites (A), in the spacing between binding sites (B), or by the loss or gain of one or more of these sites (C).
As a plethora of meetings and research reports suggests, enhancers are hot. They are small genetic command centers, consisting of stretches of 500 or so bases. Those clusters in turn are peppered with transcription factor binding sites, which can be less than 10 bases long. The target of a particular enhancer--and its effect--depends on the spacing and order of the binding sites within it.
Sometimes the enhancer simply contains multiple copies of the same binding site and therefore uses the same transcription factor throughout its length. Other times, it has multiple transcription factors, and slight differences among these proteins can cause one gene to turn on and another to turn off.
Both enhancers and silencers are especially hard to find because they are very small pieces of sequence and, unlike promoters, reside at varying distances from the gene they regulate. "We have a lot of potentially short stretches of DNA where the action is and stretches of DNA that don't matter," Patrick Phillips, an evolutionary developmental biologist at the University of Oregon, Eugene, points out. Theorists predict that humans could have as many as 100,000 enhancers and silencers, but fewer than 100 are known, says Levine.
Hot on the enhancer trail
To understand the role of enhancers in development, Levine is studying their architecture and function in the fruit fly genome. The first challenge he encountered was simply finding the elusive quarry: Several years ago he encouraged his graduate student Michele Markstein (and her computer-savvy parents) to write a computer program that could begin to do just that.
The trio worked first with a transcription factor, dorsal, which was known to affect a gene called zen. They already knew that the enhancer for zen contained four binding sites for dorsal, packed close together. The researchers used that signature sequence as a probe for finding other enhancers that also had clusters of dorsal binding sites.
The method worked. Proof positive came when the program pinpointed three previously identified enhancers that control other genes. It also turned up a dozen more clusters containing three or four of dorsal's binding sites. The researchers have since shown that at least two are definitely enhancers. Levine is encouraged: "Sometimes the clustering of a single factor's binding sites is sufficient to find new enhancers," he says. Indeed, using a similar strategy, Eisen identified a set of enhancers responsible for anterior-posterior development in the fruit fly. The groups published their results 2 years ago.
That same year, Eisen, Levine, and UC Berkeley's Benjamin Berman teamed up to use this approach, along with other bioinformatics tools, to look for more complex enhancers. Instead of containing repeated binding sites for the same transcription factor, complex enhancers contain binding sites for several different factors, thereby providing precise regulation of gene expression.
To find these sequences, Berman and his colleagues looked for pieces of DNA with binding sites for five transcription factors. They didn't have a specific enhancer in mind but sought out DNA with those binding sites sitting close enough together to suggest they formed an enhancer.
The five transcription factors all affect embryonic genes. Initially, Berman's program found several dozen of what seem to be complex enhancers; recently the count has more than doubled. And in pinning down these enhancers, the researchers uncovered almost 50 genes that seem to be controlled by this same set of transcription factors and thus are likely to work together to guide early development
So far, the researchers have confirmed that at least some of these newly identified clusters really are enhancers by testing their activity in transgenic fruit flies. They add DNA consisting of the putative enhancer and a marker gene. If the marker gene shows up in the same place as the enhancer's target gene, then the researchers know they have got what they want. These data are showing that when several enhancers have a similar binding site composition, they tend to work together and coordinate the expression of sets of genes.
One gene, many sizes. Enhancers from different species alter the extent of a Hox gene's expression (dark stain), variation that leads to species-specific numbers of thoracic vertebrae.
Enhancer encryption
With the first enhancers in hand, Levine and his colleagues were ready to take the next step: to figure out how enhancers orchestrate development and effect the changes underlying evolution. They began to dissect the architecture of these bits of sequence, determining exactly where the transcription factor dorsal attached and whether those locations had anything to do with the enhancer's function. They also tracked down transcription factors that interacted with the same enhancers as dorsal.
Through these efforts, Levine and UC Berkeley collaborator Albert Erives have been able to decipher another layer of "code" scattered in the arrangement of binding sites within the enhancer. This code is critical to directing patterns of differentiation in embryonic tissue, they reported in the 16 March Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Dorsal, whose concentration in the embryo is highest on the ventral side and decreases toward the dorsal, is key in defining these regions. Gene activity varies along the dorsal-ventral axis, leading to the differentiation of tissue types. High amounts of dorsal lead to mesoderm, a precursor to muscle; low amounts stimulate the development of precursor nervous system tissue.
When the researchers probed more closely into the enhancer, they found that a binding site for dorsal was always next to the binding site for a transcription factor called twist. Levine found that the close proximity and specific order of the binding sites were conserved in an equivalent enhancer in mosquito and a different fruit fly: "They were not randomly arranged," Levine says.
These results suggested that the effect of an enhancer on a gene is determined not just by the combination of transcription factors but also by the spacing between the binding sites. Levine thinks that dorsal and twist have to be quite close together for the enhancer to work dorsally, where concentrations of dorsal are low; when far apart, much more dorsal is needed. Thus it seems that the genome can use the same subset of transcription factors to regulate different genes simply by changing the order or spacing of those proteins, or where they bind along the enhancer. With this work, "Levine has gotten inside the mind of enhancers," says Eisen.
Enhancers and evolution
Alterations in the order and spacing of binding sites can also affect how the same gene works across several species, new research is finding, suggesting that it might take only a relatively simple rearrangement to change an enhancer and affect evolution. At a meeting on developmental diversity held in April in Cold Spring Harbor, New York, developmental biologist Cooduvalli Shashikant of Pennsylvania State University, University Park, described his survey of enhancer effects on a gene called Hoxc8. This gene, found in many organisms, helps define the number and shape of thoracic vertebrae. Shashikant suspected that the enhancer, rather than the gene alone, plays a pivotal role in delineating different vertebrae configurations among species. To find out, he and his colleagues analyzed the sequence of the 200-base-pair enhancer that lays just upstream of Hoxc8 in zebrafish, puffer fish, and mice.
After adding a reporter gene to each enhancer so they could see where it was active, Shashikant's group inserted the combination into mouse embryos. Then they compared the pattern of expression generated with the zebrafish and puffer fish enhancers to that of the mouse enhancer. In all three cases, the activity of the gene was restricted to the back part of the developing spine.
Shashikant suspects that the subtle differences among the enhancers in each species changes the physical boundaries of Hoxc8 expression within the embryo, thereby helping explain why chickens wind up with seven thoracic vertebrae and snakes about 200, he says. Shashikant is also looking at the sequences of this enhancer in other species, including whales and coelacanths, and again he has found changes that probably help define each organism's shape. Sometimes they are simple sequence changes. Other times, missing or additional DNA alters the mix of transcription factors involved. Through evolution, "a lot of tinkering has gone on at the enhancer level," Shashikant says.
Enhancing differences. Sea urchins and starfish share much of their embryonic genetic circuitry, but their enhancers can vary, altering developmental pathways.
Evolving embryonic differences
Similarly, Eric Davidson, a developmental gene regulation biologist at Caltech, has found that a small change in one enhancer's structure, and likely many alterations in all sorts of enhancers, pave the way to the different developmental pathways that make each species distinctive. Five years ago, he and his colleagues embarked on an ambitious project to map all the genetic interactions necessary to build the embryonic sea urchin's endomesoderm, cells that are precursors to the skeleton, gut, and other tissues. They worked gene by gene, determining the expression pattern of each and deducing their functions by knocking them out in developing embryos. From these data and more, they pieced together a computer model of the 50-gene circuitry controlling the embryo's first 30 hours as an initial glob of cells began to differentiate into endomesoderm.
The circuit is a hairball of proteins such as transcription factors and signaling molecules, and their genes, all connected by means of regulatory DNA into multiple feedback loops. Multiple transcription factors partner with an enhancer to control the activity of other transcription factors. Thus, even though the circuit involves just a few cell types, "it's a very complex network," says Davidson's Caltech colleague Veronica Hinman.
Hinman and Davidson have now taken the next step: elucidating the role of gene regulation in helping to define developmental differences in two echinoderms. Hinman has been working out the same genetic circuitry in a starfish. Whereas the starfish and the sea urchin shared a common ancestor about 500 million years ago and still have similar embryos, the two species have long since gone their separate ways. Adult sea urchins look like pincushions, with rounded exoskeletons; starfish are flat, with arms protruding from a central cavity. Hinman has focused on the earliest moments of the starfish's life. Despite the differences in the adults, much of the embryonic genetic circuitry studied so far is almost identical in both species, she reported in 2003.
Yet subtle variations have had a big impact. For example, there's a five-gene circuit both species share. A key gene in this pathway is otx, and it sets off the circuit in the sea urchin and the starfish. Hinman has found a tiny change in this enhancer: Between the two species, this enhancer varies by just one binding site, for a transcription factor called t-brain. The starfish has this binding site; the sea urchin does not. In the sea urchin, t-brain works in concert with other regulatory genes and sets off the embryo's skeleton-forming circuitry, a genetic pathway absent in the starfish embryo. But because the otx enhancer is missing t-brain, the sea urchin must also rely on a different transcription factor to get the otx gene in the five-gene circuitry to kick in.
Meanwhile the t-brain binding site on the starfish's otx enhancer keeps otx focused on genes for the incipient gut. Davidson thinks that ancestral echinoderms had a t-brain site on the enhancer for otx, one that disappeared from that enhancer in the sea urchin. "This looks like species-specific jury-rigging," he points out. "The evolution of body plans happens by changes in the network architecture."
Enhancing genome studies
Through these kinds of studies, researchers are beginning to decode the regulatory genome. If this code can be made clear, they should be able to piece together how organisms diversify, says Nipam Patel, a biologist at UC Berkeley. For example, through Davidson and his colleagues' thorough descriptions of the gene pathways guiding development, they can pin down where enhancer modules have been added or lost. That understanding, in turn, is changing how some researchers make sense of evolution, adds Michael Ludwig of the University of Chicago. It's a vision in which regulatory elements, including enhancers and silencers, are as important, if not more important, than gene mutations in introducing genetic innovations that may set the stage for speciation. Changes in one type of regulatory element, the transcription factors, can be quite detrimental, as each influences many genes. By contrast, enhancer mutations work locally, affecting just their target genes, and so are less likely to have deleterious effects on the rest of the genome.
Yet Ludwig and others are the first to admit that they have not cracked this regulatory code. "We need to learn what it is and how this information is written in these sequences," says Eisen. "At this moment, we still do not have that ability."
本文来源:Science, Vol 306, Issue 5696, 632-635 , 22 October 2004