加拿大阿尔伯特大学的研究人员近日宣布他们刚刚完成了人类代谢组物的首个草图,他们编制并描绘了人体内的2500种代谢物,1200种药物,以及3500种食品的成份。该研究结果发表在《核酸研究》(Nucleic Acid Research)上。研究人员认为他们的研究成果代表了疾病诊断的新纪元的开始。
代谢组物是有机体自身携带或者产生的多种小分子化学物质(即代谢物)的总称。打个比方,如果说基因组代表了生命的蓝图,那么代谢组物则代表了生命的组成成分。代谢组物对一个人的饮食、居住环境、季节、时间、身体状况乃至情绪都非常敏感。因此,研究人员认为2004年在加拿大发起的这项“人类代谢组物计划”(Human Metabolome Project,简称HMP)比“人类基因组计划”对医药研究和临床实践更能产生直接的影响。
该计划的负责人、阿尔伯特计算科学与生命科学教授David Wishart博士介绍说:“代谢物是基因组的预警系统。DNA的单个碱基变化可能引起代谢水平10万倍的变化……目前大多数医疗检查都是基于血液或者尿液中的代谢物的水平。遗憾的是,只有不到1%的代谢物得到经常性的检查,如果你只能看到身体里1%的情况,你肯定会错过很多很多事情。”
该项目由加拿大创新基金(CFI)、加拿大基因组计划、Alberta Ingenuity Centre for Machine Learning以及阿尔伯特大学共同资助,共耗资750万美元。
HMDB: the Human Metabolome Database.
Wishart DS, Tzur D, Knox C, Eisner R, Guo AC, Young N, Cheng D, Jewell K, Arndt D, Sawhney S, Fung C, Nikolai L, Lewis M, Coutouly MA, Forsythe I, Tang P, Shrivastava S, Jeroncic K, Stothard P, Amegbey G, Block D, Hau DD, Wagner J, Miniaci J, Clements M, Gebremedhin M, Guo N, Zhang Y, Duggan GE, Macinnis GD, Weljie AM, Dowlatabadi R, Bamforth F, Clive D, Greiner R, Li L, Marrie T, Sykes BD, Vogel HJ, Querengesser L.
Department of Computing Science, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada T6G 2E8. david.wishart@ualberta.ca
The Human Metabolome Database (HMDB) is currently the most complete and comprehensive curated collection of human metabolite and human metabolism data in the world. It contains records for more than 2180 endogenous metabolites with information gathered from thousands of books, journal articles and electronic databases. In addition to its comprehensive literature-derived data, the HMDB also contains an extensive collection of experimental metabolite concentration data compiled from hundreds of mass spectra (MS) and Nuclear Magnetic resonance (NMR) metabolomic analyses performed on urine, blood and cerebrospinal fluid samples. This is further supplemented with thousands of NMR and MS spectra collected on purified, reference metabolites. Each metabolite entry in the HMDB contains an average of 90 separate data fields including a comprehensive compound description, names and synonyms, structural information, physico-chemical data, reference NMR and MS spectra, biofluid concentrations, disease associations, pathway information, enzyme data, gene sequence data, SNP and mutation data as well as extensive links to images, references and other public databases. Extensive searching, relational querying and data browsing tools are also provided. The HMDB is designed to address the broad needs of biochemists, clinical chemists, physicians, medical geneticists, nutritionists and members of the metabolomics