一项最新研究发现,对个体而言,生活中的幸福感很大程度上会受到基因组合的影响。相关论文发表在3月的《心理科学》(Psychological Science)上。
利用心理学上测定个性和人格的五因素模型(Five-Factor Model),研究人员发现,那些不过度忧虑、好交际且耿直尽责的人往往更加幸福。他们表示,这种个性组合在有坏事情发生时能够成为良好的“缓冲器”。
论文第一作者、爱丁堡大学的Alexander Weiss说,“对幸福的追求是人类欲望的一个核心。尽管它受到广泛的外部影响,但我们发现,幸福感具有可遗传的成分。而通过个性的遗传结构体系可以充分地解释这一问题。”(科学网 任霄鹏/编译)
(Psychological Science),Volume 19 Issue 3 Page 205-210, March 2008,Alexander Weiss, Michelle Luciano
Happiness Is a Personal(ity) Thing: The Genetics of Personality and Well-Being in a Representative Sample
Alexander Weiss, Timothy C. Bates, and Michelle Luciano
ABSTRACT—Subjective well-being is known to be related to personality traits. However, to date, nobody has examined whether personality and subjective well-being share a common genetic structure. We used a representative sample of 973 twin pairs to test the hypothesis that heritable differences in subjective well-being are entirely accounted for by the genetic architecture of the Five-Factor Model's personality domains. Results supported this model. Subjective well-being was accounted for by unique genetic influences from Neuroticism, Extraversion, and Conscientiousness, and by a common genetic factor that influenced all five personality domains in the directions of low Neuroticism and high Extraversion, Openness, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness. These findings indicate that subjective well-being is linked to personality by common genes and that personality may form an "affective reserve" relevant to set-point maintenance and changes in set point over time.