到目前为止,人类转录组的功能复杂性尚未完全阐明。在最新研究中,通过对源自人类两大细胞系——胚肾和B细胞系的转录子(本)进行“鸟枪法测序”(shotgun sequencing,一种随机且高通量的序列测定方法),德国马普分子遗传学研究所和Genomatix测序软件公司的科学家揭示出人类转录组前所未有的复杂性和可变性。
他们发现,50%的转录子对应于特定的基因组域,其中有80%吻合已知的外显子(exon)。多聚腺苷酸化的转录组(polyadenylated transcriptome)的66%对应于已知基因,其余的34%则对应在未标注的基因组域中。很明显,还有大量的新基因候选活跃在被研究的细胞系中。而根据已知的转录子,研究人员发现,RNA测序可以比微阵列多探测到25%的基因。
此外,研究人员还进行了一项关于信使RNA剪接(mRNA splicing)的全局研究。他们共确定出94241个剪接位点,其中有4096个是全新的。该研究还表明外显子跳跃(exon skipping)是选择性剪接(alternative splicing)的一种普遍形式。关于这两项研究的相关数据可以从http://www.genomatix.de/MPI.html开放获取。
领导该项研究的马普分子遗传学研究所Marie-Laure Yaspo博士说,“深度测序(deep sequencing)让我们首次直接探索人类转录组的复杂性和动力学成为可能。而此次的细胞内和细胞间选择性剪接的对比研究,以及对基因表达的同步分析是此前从未进行过的。新的研究结果将导致远超出现有程度的全新哺乳动物基因组注释图。此外,一个越来越明显的情况就是,目前可用的方法只能带来哺乳动物细胞的部分表达图谱,尤其是当考虑到基因调控分析时。”
Genomatix公司的Martin Seifert博士也认为,“新研究的主要影响在于观察到复杂性和可变性的新维度。我们的分析清楚地表明,转录是一个高度动态和可变的过程。”(生物谷Bioon.com)
Science,DOI: 10.1126/science.1160342,Marc Sultan, Martin Seifert, Marie-Laure Yaspo
A Global View of Gene Activity and Alternative Splicing by Deep Sequencing of the Human Transcriptome
Marc Sultan 1, Marcel H. Schulz 2, Hugues Richard 3, Alon Magen 1, Andreas Klingenhoff 4, Matthias Scherf 4, Martin Seifert 4, Tatjana Borodina 1, Aleksey Soldatov 1, Dmitri Parkhomchuk 1, Dominic Schmidt 1, Sean O’Keeffe 3, Stefan Haas 3, Martin Vingron 3, Hans Lehrach 1, Marie-Laure Yaspo 1*
1 Department of Vertebrate Genomics, Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Ihnestr. 73, 14195 Berlin, Germany.
2 Department of Computational Molecular Biology, Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Ihnestr. 73, 14195 Berlin, Germany.; International Max Planck Research School for Computational Biology and Scientific Computing.
3 Department of Computational Molecular Biology, Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Ihnestr. 73, 14195 Berlin, Germany.
4 Genomatix Software Gmbh, Bayerstr. 85a, 80335 Munich, Germany.
* To whom correspondence should be addressed.
Marie-Laure Yaspo , E-mail: yaspo@molgen.mpg.de
These authors contributed equally to this work.
The functional complexity of the human transcriptome is not yet fully elucidated. We report a high-throughput sequence of the human transcriptome from a human embryonic kidney and a B cell line. Shotgun sequencing of transcripts was used to generate randomly distributed reads. Of these, 50% mapped to unique genomic location, of which 80% corresponded to known exons. We found that 66% of the polyadenylated transcriptome mapped to known genes and 34% to non-annotated genomic regions. Based on known transcripts, RNAseq can detect 25% more genes than microarrays. A global survey of mRNA splicing events identified 94,241 splice junctions, of which 4,096 are novel, and showed that exon skipping is the most prevalent form of alternative splicing.