慕尼黑亥姆霍兹中心生物信息和系统生物学研究所和慕尼黑大学的研究人员发现可能与脂代谢异常相关的9个基因的突变。该项研究由慕尼黑亥姆霍兹中心的生物信息学教授Karsten Suhre领导。
研究人员检测了1800个KORA群体研究(一项德国的基于群体调查研究的流行病学、健康经济学和卫生保健研究领域的研究平台)的参与者血样中163个代谢产物的浓度。由此产生的代谢谱被用来进行基因组范围的相关性研究,以寻找共同的基因突变。研究人员发现在9个具有重复多态性的基因中,8个基因(FADS1, ELOVL2, ACADS, ACADM, ACADL, SPTLC3, ETFDH, and SLC16A9)的突变位于编码酶或溶质运输者的基因的内部或周围,这些基因的功能和相应的代谢性状匹配。研究人员还发现5个位点(SLC22A4, CPS1, PLEKHH1, SYNE2, and PHGDH),其中的4个的突变位于编码酶或溶质运输者的基因的内部或周围,其相应的代谢性状和蛋白的功能匹配。
伦敦国王学院Wellcome Trust桑格研究所的研究员利用基于英国的群体研究TwinsUK的样本重复了德国研究组的研究结果。德国研究组利用的是Affymetrix 6.0芯片,而英国研究组利用的是IIIumina Hap317K芯片。(生物谷Bioon.com)
Nature Genetics 27 December 2009 | doi:10.1038/ng.507
A genome-wide perspective of genetic variation in human metabolism
Thomas Illig1,13, Christian Gieger1,13, Guangju Zhai2, Werner R?misch-Margl3, Rui Wang-Sattler1, Cornelia Prehn4, Elisabeth Altmaier3,5, Gabi Kastenmüller3, Bernet S Kato2, Hans-Werner Mewes3,6, Thomas Meitinger7,8, Martin Hrabé de Angelis4,9, Florian Kronenberg10, Nicole Soranzo2,11, H-Erich Wichmann1,12, Tim D Spector2, Jerzy Adamski4,9 & Karsten Suhre3,5
Serum metabolite concentrations provide a direct readout of biological processes in the human body, and they are associated with disorders such as cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. We present a genome-wide association study (GWAS) of 163 metabolic traits measured in human blood from 1,809 participants from the KORA population, with replication in 422 participants of the TwinsUK cohort. For eight out of nine replicated loci (FADS1, ELOVL2, ACADS, ACADM, ACADL, SPTLC3, ETFDH and SLC16A9), the genetic variant is located in or near genes encoding enzymes or solute carriers whose functions match the associating metabolic traits. In our study, the use of metabolite concentration ratios as proxies for enzymatic reaction rates reduced the variance and yielded robust statistical associations with P values ranging from 3 × 10?24 to 6.5 × 10?179. These loci explained 5.6%–36.3% of the observed variance in metabolite concentrations. For several loci, associations with clinically relevant parameters have been reported previously.