英国帝国理工学院等机构研究人员在新一期《自然·遗传学》(Nature Genetics)杂志上报告说,他们和同行收集了英国、荷兰、奥地利和西班牙等国约1500名脑膜炎患者的基因数据,并将其与另外5000多名健康人的基因进行了对比。结果发现,在与一种名为H因子的蛋白相关基因中,易患脑膜炎人群与健康人存在差异。
Nature Genetics doi:10.1038/ng.640
Genome-wide association study identifies variants in the CFH region associated with host susceptibility to meningococcal disease
Sonia Davila1,15, Victoria J Wright2,15, Chiea Chuen Khor1, Kar Seng Sim3, Alexander Binder4, Willemijn B Breunis5, David Inwald2, Simon Nadel2, Helen Betts2, Enitan D Carrol6, Ronald de Groot7, Peter W M Hermans7, Jan Hazelzet8, Marieke Emonts8,9, Chui Chin Lim1, Taco W Kuijpers5, Federico Martinon-Torres10,11, Antonio Salas12,13, Werner Zenz4, Michael Levin2,15 & Martin L Hibberd1,15 for the International Meningococcal Genetics Consortium14
Meningococcal disease is an infection caused by Neisseria meningitidis. Genetic factors contribute to host susceptibility and progression to disease, but the genes responsible for disease development are largely unknown1, 2, 3. We report here a genome-wide association study for host susceptibility to meningococcal disease using 475 individuals with meningococcal disease (cases) and 4,703 population controls from the UK. We performed, in Western European and South European cohorts (consisting of 968 cases and 1,376 controls), two replication studies for the most significant SNPs. A cluster of complement factor SNPs replicated independently in both cohorts, including SNPs within complement factor H (CFH) (rs1065489 (p.936D<E), P = 2.2 × 10?11) and in CFH-related protein 3 (CFHR3)(rs426736, P = 4.6 × 10?13). N. meningitidis is known to evade complement-mediated killing by the binding of host CFH to the meningococcal factor H–binding protein (fHbp)4. Our study suggests that host genetic variation in these regulators of complement activation plays a role in determining the occurrence of invasive disease versus asymptomatic colonization by this pathogen.