PLoS Biology 8(9): e1000475. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1000475
Multi-Platform Next-Generation Sequencing of the Domestic Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo): Genome Assembly and Analysis
A synergistic combination of two next-generation sequencing platforms with a detailed comparative BAC physical contig map provided a cost-effective assembly of the genome sequence of the domestic turkey (Meleagris gallopavo). Heterozygosity of the sequenced source genome allowed discovery of more than 600,000 high quality single nucleotide variants. Despite this heterozygosity, the current genome assembly (~1.1 Gb) includes 917 Mb of sequence assigned to specific turkey chromosomes. Annotation identified nearly 16,000 genes, with 15,093 recognized as protein coding and 611 as non-coding RNA genes. Comparative analysis of the turkey, chicken, and zebra finch genomes, and comparing avian to mammalian species, supports the characteristic stability of avian genomes and identifies genes unique to the avian lineage. Clear differences are seen in number and variety of genes of the avian immune system where expansions and novel genes are less frequent than examples of gene loss. The turkey genome sequence provides resources to further understand the evolution of vertebrate genomes and genetic variation underlying economically important quantitative traits in poultry. This integrated approach may be a model for providing both gene and chromosome level assemblies of other species with agricultural, ecological, and evolutionary interest.
Rami A. Dalloul1#, Julie A. Long2#, Aleksey V. Zimin3#, Luqman Aslam4, Kathryn Beal5, Le Ann Blomberg2, Pascal Bouffard6, David W. Burt7, Oswald Crasta8,9, Richard P. M. A. Crooijmans4, Kristal Cooper8, Roger A. Coulombe10, Supriyo De11, Mary E. Delany12, Jerry B. Dodgson13, Jennifer J. Dong14, Clive Evans8, Karin M. Frederickson6, Paul Flicek5, Liliana Florea15, Otto Folkerts8,9, Martien A. M. Groenen4, Tim T. Harkins6, Javier Herrero5, Steve Hoffmann16,17, Hendrik-Jan Megens4, Andrew Jiang12, Pieter de Jong18, Pete Kaiser19, Heebal Kim20, Kyu-Won Kim20, Sungwon Kim1, David Langenberger16, Mi-Kyung Lee14, Taeheon Lee20, Shrinivasrao Mane8, Guillaume Marcais3, Manja Marz16,21, Audrey P. McElroy1, Thero Modise8, Mikhail Nefedov18, Cédric Notredame22, Ian R. Paton7, William S. Payne13, Geo Pertea15, Dennis Prickett19, Daniela Puiu15, Dan Qioa23, Emanuele Raineri22, Magali Ruffier24, Steven L. Salzberg25, Michael C. Schatz25, Chantel Scheuring14, Carl J. Schmidt26, Steven Schroeder27, Stephen M. J. Searle24, Edward J. Smith1, Jacqueline Smith7, Tad S. Sonstegard27, Peter F. Stadler16,28,29,30,31, Hakim Tafer16,30, Zhijian (Jake) Tu32, Curtis P. Van Tassell27,33, Albert J. Vilella5, Kelly P. Williams8, James A. Yorke3, Liqing Zhang23, Hong-Bin Zhang14, Xiaojun Zhang14, Yang Zhang14, Kent M. Reed34*