日本研究人员在新一期美国《临床研究期刊》(The Journal of Clinical Investigation)网络版上发表论文指出,很多并不肥胖的日本人也会患Ⅱ型糖尿病,这是他们体内的特定基因出现变异,导致有降血糖功效的胰岛素分泌减少引起的。
据调查,在亚洲,每4个人中就有1人的“CDKAL1”基因出现变异,而只有10%左右的欧美人体内这种基因会出现变异。富泽一仁指出:“现在,不管什么人种都使用相同的糖尿病治疗药物,此次发现将有利于开发对亚洲人种更加有效的药物。”(生物谷 Bioon.com)
Deficit of tRNALys modification by Cdkal1 causes the development of type 2 diabetes in mice
Fan-Yan Wei, Takeo Suzuki, Sayaka Watanabe, Satoshi Kimura, Taku Kaitsuka, Atsushi Fujimura, Hideki Matsui, Mohamed Atta, Hiroyuki Michiue, Marc Fontecave, Kazuya Yamagata, Tsutomu Suzuki and Kazuhito Tomizawa
The worldwide prevalence of type 2 diabetes (T2D), which is caused by a combination of environmental and genetic factors, is increasing. With regard to genetic factors, variations in the gene encoding Cdk5 regulatory associated protein 1–like 1 (Cdkal1) have been associated with an impaired insulin response and increased risk of T2D across different ethnic populations, but the molecular function of this protein has not been characterized. Here, we show that Cdkal1 is a mammalian methylthiotransferase that biosynthesizes 2-methylthio-N6-threonylcarbamoyladenosine (ms2t6A) in tRNALys(UUU) and that it is required for the accurate translation of AAA and AAG codons. Mice with pancreatic β cell–specific KO of Cdkal1 (referred to herein as β cell KO mice) showed pancreatic islet hypertrophy, a decrease in insulin secretion, and impaired blood glucose control. In Cdkal1-deficient β cells, misreading of Lys codon in proinsulin occurred, resulting in a reduction of glucose-stimulated proinsulin synthesis. Moreover, expression of ER stress–related genes was upregulated in these cells, and abnormally structured ER was observed. Further, the β cell KO mice were hypersensitive to high fat diet–induced ER stress. These findings suggest that glucose-stimulated translation of proinsulin may require fully modified tRNALys(UUU), which could potentially explain the molecular pathogenesis of T2D in patients carrying cdkal1 risk alleles.