按照欧洲法律,制药和化妆品领域用动物做实验是受到限制的,但这些产品必须保证对人体的安全,为此一些大的公司不得不寻找替代性方法。据美国科学促进会网站近日报道,最近发表在网络期刊《生物医学中心:基因组学》(BMC Genomics)上的一篇论文提出了一种前卫的替代方法,用实验室培养的人类细胞替代动物实验。通过检测这些培养细胞的反应,就能区分出哪些化学品会造成过敏,并能预测过敏程度。
“根据化学制品登记、评估与批准管理规定,欧盟所有新出的和原有的化学制品都要经过安全测试,这一规定涵盖的化学品数量已经超过3万种,而且还在增加。”论文合著者卡尔·伯瑞贝克教授说,这要求有合适的方法来测试,“新替代方法中所用的细胞来自人体,尽管还处于初期阶段,但其效果更快也更好。它提供了一种通过识别低免疫原性的化学品来降低过敏风险的方法,确保消费者长期使用的化学制品是安全的”。(生物谷 Bioon.com)
A genomic biomarker signature can predict skin sensitizers using a cell-based in vitro alternative to animal tests
Henrik Johansson, Malin Lindstedt, Ann-Sofie Albrekt, Carl Borrebaeck
(provisional)Background Allergic contact dermatitis is an inflammatory skin disease that affects a significant proportion of the population. This is commonly caused by immunological responses towards chemical haptens, subsequently leading to a substantial economic burden for society. Current test of sensitizing chemicals rely on animal experimentation. New legislations on the registration and use of chemicals within pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries have stimulated significant research efforts to develop alternative, human cell-based assays for the prediction of sensitization. The aim is to replace animal experiments with in vitro tests displaying a higher predictive power. Results We have developed a novel cell-based assay for the prediction of sensitizing chemicals. By analyzing the transcriptome of the human cell line MUTZ-3 after 24 h stimulation, using 20 different sensitizing chemicals, 20 non-sensitizing chemicals and vehicle controls, we have identified a biomarker signature of 200 genes with potent discriminatory ability. Using a Support Vector Machine for supervised classification, the prediction performance of the assay revealed an area under the ROC curve of 0.98. In addition, categorizing the chemicals according to the LLNA assay, this gene signature could also predict sensitizing potency. The identified markers are involved in biological pathways with immunological relevant functions, which can shed light on the process of human sensitization. Conclusion sA gene signature predicting sensitization, using a human cell line in vitro, has been identified. This simple and robust cell-based assay has the potential to completely replace or drastically reduce the utilization of test systems based on experimental animals. Being based on human biology, the assay is proposed to be more accurate for predicting sensitization in humans, than the traditional animal-based tests.