12月6日发表在Genome Research杂志上的一篇药物基因组学研究的文章"Rare versus common variants in pharmacogenetics: SLCO1B1 variation and methotrexate disposition"中,研究人员以一个特定基因的罕见基因变异体为特点,该基因对用于治疗癌症和自身免疫疾病的药物有显著影响,这一发现将会有助于改善个性化护理的效果.
在这篇报道中,一个国际研究小组测定了一群接受甲氨蝶呤的小儿科患者的SLCO1B1外显子,基因编码蛋白的区域,发现稀有的基因变异体对从身体清除药物的效率产生作用.“我们展示了罕见的遗传基因组变异体,699人中只有1人出现这种情况,是血液甲氨蝶呤含量显著可变性比例的原因,”圣裘德儿童研究医院的Mary Relling博士说,“这意味着2%的人出现高的血含量是由于非常罕见的基因变异.”
“我们的发现很重要,但是SLCO1B1罕见的编码变体不仅仅是对甲氨蝶呤有影响,还有对其他药物的可能性,”圣裘德儿童研究医院Laura Ramsey博士说.Ramsey指出,SLCO1B1变体经试验告知他丁类药物适当剂量的选择,该药物常用语治疗或阻止高胆固醇.
Rare versus common variants in pharmacogenetics: SLCO1B1 variation and methotrexate disposition
Laura B. Ramsey1, Gitte H. Bruun2, Wenjian Yang1, Lisa R. Trevi?o1, Selina Vattathil3,Paul Scheet3, Cheng Cheng4,5, Gary L. Rosner6, Kathleen M. Giacomini7, et. al.
Methotrexate is used to treat autoimmune diseases and malignancies, including acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Inter-individual variation in clearance of methotrexate results in heterogeneous systemic exposure, clinical efficacy, and toxicity. In a genome-wide association study of children with ALL, we identified SLCO1B1 as harboring multiple common polymorphisms associated with methotrexate clearance. The extent of influence of rare versus common variants on pharmacogenomic phenotypes remains largely unexplored. We tested the hypothesis that rare variants in SLCO1B1 could affect methotrexate clearance and compared the influence of common versus rare variants in addition to clinical covariates on clearance. From deep resequencing of SLCO1B1 exons in 699 children, we identified 93 SNPs, 15 of which were non-synonymous (NS). Three of these NS SNPs were common, with a minor allele frequency (MAF) >5%, one had low frequency (MAF 1%–5%), and 11 were rare (MAF <1%). NS SNPs (common or rare) predicted to be functionally damaging were more likely to be found among patients with the lowest methotrexate clearance than patients with high clearance. We verified lower function in vitro of four SLCO1B1 haplotypes that were associated with reduced methotrexate clearance. In a multivariate stepwise regression analysis adjusting for other genetic and non-genetic covariates, SLCO1B1 variants accounted for 10.7% of the population variability in clearance. Of that variability, common NS variants accounted for the majority, but rare damaging NS variants constituted 17.8% of SLCO1B1's effects (1.9% of total variation) and had larger effect sizes than common NS variants. Our results show that rare variants are likely to have an important effect on pharmacogenetic phenotypes.