近日,国际著名杂志International Journal of Cosmetic Science刊登了国外研究人员的最新研究成果“Population genetic segmentation of MHC-correlated perfume preferences。”,文章中,作者揭示了女性对香水味道喜好是受基因调控的;香水是每个女人最爱的产品,瑞士一项研究发现,女性对于香水味道的喜好,都会受到一组名为MHC的基因调控,该基因也决定了每个人会受到哪一种异性的气味所吸引。
Population genetic segmentation of MHC-correlated perfume preferences
A. Hämmerli1,2, C. Schweisgut2, M. Kaegi1,2
Keywords: individual preferences;major histocompatibility complex;mate choice behaviour;olfaction;perfume ingredients;perfumes;scent;sexual communication Synopsis It has become difficult to find a matching perfume. An overwhelming number of 300 new perfumes launch each year, and marketing campaigns target pre-defined groups based on gender, age or income rather than on individual preferences. Recent evidence for a genetic basis of perfume preferences, however, could be the starting point for a novel population genetic approach to better match perfumes with people’s preferences. With a total of 116 participants genotyped for alleles of three loci of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), the aim of this study was to test whether common MHC alleles could be used as genetic markers to segment a given population into preference types. Significant deviations from random expectations for a set of 10 common perfume ingredients indicate how such segmentation could be achieved. In addition, preference patterns of participants confronted with images that contained a sexual communication context significantly differed in their ratings for some of the scents compared with participants confronted with images of perfume bottles. This strongly supports the assumption that genetically correlated perfume preferences evolved in the context of sexual communication. The results are discussed in the light of perfume customization.