发表在2月3日版的在线刊EMBO Molecular Medicine的研究探讨了位于KRAS基因上的遗传性突变,该突变导致异常子宫内膜生长和子宫内膜风险。在子宫内膜异位症中,子宫组织生长在机体其他部分,如腹腔、卵巢、阴道和子宫颈。这种情况通常是遗传性的,在5-15%的育龄妇女中发现,影响着全世界多于7000万妇女。
在通讯作者Hugh S. Taylor博士、产科妇科和生殖科学系的生殖内分泌学与不育症分部的教授与主管的领导下,作者们研究了132名子宫内膜异位症患者,评估了他们在负责调控的KRAS基因区域内的新鉴定突变。以前,这种突变与增加的肺癌及卵巢癌风险性相关,这是此研究的合著者、放射治疗学副教授Joanne Weidhaas博士所报道的。
"我们发现,这项研究中31%的子宫内膜异位症患者携带这个突变,相当于总人口的5.8%", Taylor说,"这种突变的存在也与较高的KRAS蛋白水平和这些细胞增加的扩散能力相关。它也可解释子宫内膜异位症妇女的卵巢癌高风险性。"
此项研究的其他作者包括:Olga Grechukhina、Rafaella Petracco、Shota Popkhadze、Trupti Paranjape、 Elcie Chan、 Idhaliz Flores和Joanne Weidhaas。(生物谷bioon.com)
A polymorphism in a let-7 microRNA binding site of KRAS in women with endometriosis
Olga Grechukhina, Rafaella Petracco, Shota Popkhadze, Efi Massasa, Trupti Paranjape, Elcie Chan, Idhaliz Flores, Joanne B. Weidhaas, Hugh S. Taylor
Abstract Endometriosis is found in 5-15% of women of reproductive age and is more frequent in relatives of women with the disease. Activation of KRAS results in de novoendometriosis in mice, however, activating KRAS mutations have not been identified in women. We screened 150 women with endometriosis for a polymorphism in a let-7 microRNA (miRNA) binding site in the 3'-UTR of KRAS and detected a KRAS variant allele in 31% of women with endometriosis as opposed to 5% of a large diverse control population. KRAS mRNA and protein expression were increased in cultured endometrial stromal cells of women with the KRAS variant. Increased KRAS protein was due to altered miRNA binding as demonstrated in reporter assays. Endometrial stromal cells from women with the KRAS variant showed increased proliferation and invasion. In a murine model, endometrial xenografts containing the KRAS variant demonstrated increased proliferation and decreased progesterone receptor levels. These findings suggest that an inherited polymorphism of a let-7 miRNA binding site in KRAS leads to abnormal endometrial growth and endometriosis. The LCS6 polymorphism is the first described genetic marker of endometriosis risk.