2012年10月30日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --近日,以色列,美国和其他国家研究人员共同合作在再生医学领域中获得了突破性研究进展,研究结合首次概述与心脏和面部肌肉出生缺陷相关的基因调控。
约1%的人有先天性心脏缺陷,这项新研究将便于科学家们利用患者自身的干细胞来修复缺陷。这项研究结果在线发表在PNAS杂志上。俄勒冈州立大学药学院副教授Chrissa Kioussi说:随着再生医学和发育生物学的发展,我们不再需要制造人类胚胎干细胞来治疗疾病。
Kioussi说:人类基因组中有大约20,000个基因,但只有2000多种转录因子基因。这些转录因子基因控制遗传机制。科学家们发现,这些转录因子不会单独在哺乳动物细胞中发挥作用, 它们至少有两个或三个一起稳定组合共同发挥作用。在这项再生医学研究工作中,研究人员关心细胞分化所有步骤。如果能知道所有的步骤,就能机体缺陷出错在哪里,可以找出解决它的方法。(生物谷:Bioon.com)
Pharyngeal mesoderm regulatory network controls cardiac and head muscle morphogenesis
Itamar Harela, Yoshiro Maezawab, Roi Avrahama, Ariel Rinona, Hsiao-Yen Mac, et al.
The search for developmental mechanisms driving vertebrate organogenesis has paved the way toward a deeper understanding of birth defects. During embryogenesis, parts of the heart and craniofacial muscles arise from pharyngeal mesoderm (PM) progenitors. Here, we reveal a hierarchical regulatory network of a set of transcription factors expressed in the PM that initiates heart and craniofacial organogenesis. Genetic perturbation of this network in mice resulted in heart and craniofacial muscle defects, revealing robust cross-regulation between its members. We identified Lhx2 as a previously undescribed player during cardiac and pharyngeal muscle development. Lhx2 and Tcf21 genetically interact with Tbx1, the major determinant in the etiology of DiGeorge/velo-cardio-facial/22q11.2 deletion syndrome. Furthermore, knockout of these genes in the mouse recapitulates specific cardiac features of this syndrome. We suggest that PM-derived cardiogenesis and myogenesis are network properties rather than properties specific to individual PM members. These findings shed new light on the developmental underpinnings of congenital defects.