稻属是从事植物比较、进化和功能基因组学研究的理想系统。野生稻蕴含着宝贵的基因资源。为了更好地利用稻属的野生资源,美国亚利桑那大学的Rod Wing教授在2009年发起了国际稻属基因组计划(I-OMAP),旨在构建稻属所有物种的全基因组序列图谱,并在此基础上开展比较、进化和功能基因组学研究。
在I-OMAP计划的框架下,中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所陈明生课题组通过与深圳华大基因、亚利桑那大学等合作,利用第二代测序技术完成了261 Mb高质量的短花药野生稻(O. brachyantha)全基因组序列,并开展了稻属比较基因组学和基因组进化的研究。研究揭示了稻属基因组在基因组大小、基因移动和异染色质进化等方面新的分子机制。
该研究于3月12日在线发表于Nature Communications。陈金锋博士为该论文的第一作者。参与该研究的合作者包括深圳华大基因、亚利桑那大学基因组研究所(Rod Wing教授等)、乔治亚大学(Scott Jackson教授和Dongying Gao博士)、University of Wisconsin-Madison(Jiming Jiang教授和Wenli Zhang博士)、南开大学(宋文芹教授和陈成彬博士)和中科院遗传发育所基因组分析平台(梁承志研究员)等。
Whole-genome sequencing of Oryza brachyantha reveals mechanisms underlying Oryza genome evolution
Jinfeng Chen, Quanfei Huang, Dongying Gao, Junyi Wang, Yongshan Lang, Tieyan Liu, Bo Li, Zetao Bai, Jose Luis Goicoechea, Chengzhi Liang, Chengbin Chen, Wenli Zhang, Shouhong Sun, Yi Liao, Xuemei Zhang, Lu Yang, Chengli Song, Meijiao Wang, Jinfeng Shi, Geng Liu
The wild species of the genus Oryza contain a largely untapped reservoir of agronomically important genes for rice improvement. Here we report the 261-Mb de novo assembled genome sequence of Oryza brachyantha. Low activity of long-terminal repeat retrotransposons and massive internal deletions of ancient long-terminal repeat elements lead to the compact genome of Oryza brachyantha. We model 32,038 protein-coding genes in the Oryza brachyantha genome, of which only 70% are located in collinear positions in comparison with the rice genome. Analysing breakpoints of non-collinear genes suggests that double-strand break repair through non-homologous end joining has an important role in gene movement and erosion of collinearity in the Oryza genomes. Transition of euchromatin to heterochromatin in the rice genome is accompanied by segmental and tandem duplications, further expanded by transposable element insertions. The high-quality reference genome sequence of Oryza brachyantha provides an important resource for functional and evolutionary studies in the genus Oryza.