蔷薇科是进化树中的重要分支,生产多种水果和花卉,经济价值很高。蔷薇科中最有商业价值的要数草莓属Fragaria、蔷薇属Rosa、悬钩子属Rubus 和李属Prunus,不过这些植物的生长习性和果实类型等都存在较大差异。桃树(Prunus persica)是李属中的一种重要落叶乔木。科学家们从纯合子型桃树获得了高质量的基因组序列,并对其进行了比较分析,文章于3月24日发表在Nature Genetics杂志上。
研究人员利用Sanger全基因组鸟枪法和Illumina测序平台,获得了桃树Lovell品种高达265 million的基因组,并且在整个染色体规模上进行了高质量的组装。研究共鉴定了桃树基因组中的27,852个蛋白编码基因和非编码RNA。此外,研究团队还对李属的其它14种植物进行了全基因组重测序,并由此分析了桃树的栽培驯化路径,提出了塑造桃树基因组多样性的主要遗传学瓶颈。
“从DNA序列上来看,桃树和杨树的亲缘关系很明显,”美国能源部联合基因组研究所DOE JGI的植物项目带头人Jeremy Schmutz说。
研究人员指出,桃树的基因组特点使其可以成为,生物能源研究领域的理想植物模型。在此基础上,人们可以研究杨树等相关植物基因组中的基因,开发新方法以提高生物能源原料的产量。杨树基因组可以在DOE JGI's Plant Flagship Genomes(http://bit.ly/JGI-Plants)中查到。
“我们关注的是,桃树基因组中一个被称为‘evergreen’的基因,因为该基因能够延长植物的生长期,”DOE JGI真核项目带头人Daniel Rokhsar说,在他的领导下桃树基因组的测序项目始于2007。“理论上说,在杨树中操纵这一基因,可以增加生物能源所需的原料。”(生物谷Bioon.com)
doi: 10.1038/ng.2586.
The high-quality draft genome of peach (Prunus persica) identifies unique patterns of genetic diversity, domestication and genome evolution.
The International Peach Genome Initiative, Verde I, Abbott AG, Scalabrin S, Jung S, Shu S, Marroni F, Zhebentyayeva T, Dettori MT, Grimwood J, Cattonaro F, Zuccolo A, Rossini L, Jenkins J, Vendramin E, Meisel LA, Decroocq V, Sosinski B, Prochnik S, Mitros T, Policriti A, Cipriani G, Dondini L, Ficklin S, Goodstein DM, Xuan P, Fabbro CD, Aramini V, Copetti D, Gonzalez S, Horner DS, Falchi R, Lucas S, Mica E, Maldonado J, Lazzari B, Bielenberg D, Pirona R, Miculan M, Barakat A, Testolin R, Stella A, Tartarini S, Tonutti P, Arús P, Orellana A, Wells C, Main D, Vizzotto G, Silva H, Salamini F, Schmutz J, Morgante M, Rokhsar DS.
Rosaceae is the most important fruit-producing clade, and its key commercially relevant genera (Fragaria, Rosa, Rubus and Prunus) show broadly diverse growth habits, fruit types and compact diploid genomes. Peach, a diploid Prunus species, is one of the best genetically characterized deciduous trees. Here we describe the high-quality genome sequence of peach obtained from a completely homozygous genotype. We obtained a complete chromosome-scale assembly using Sanger whole-genome shotgun methods. We predicted 27,852 protein-coding genes, as well as noncoding RNAs. We investigated the path of peach domestication through whole-genome resequencing of 14 Prunus accessions. The analyses suggest major genetic bottlenecks that have substantially shaped peach genome diversity. Furthermore, comparative analyses showed that peach has not undergone recent whole-genome duplication, and even though the ancestral triplicated blocks in peach are fragmentary compared to those in grape, all seven paleosets of paralogs from the putative paleoancestor are detectable.