“胎盘是母体和胎儿之间的重要纽带,”文章资深作者,医学微生物学和免疫学教授Janine LaSalle说。“在那里发生着许多重要的甲基化事件。”此外,胎盘组织往往具有一些与癌症相关的特性。实际上,PMD就广泛存在于许多癌症(包括乳腺癌和结肠癌)中。LaSalle认为,增进对PMD的了解,将有助于开发调节甲基化的抗癌药物。
研究人员利用MethylC-seq、RNA-seq进行了测序分析,并采用Illumina 450K Infinium甲基化芯片进行检测。研究显示,胎盘基因组中PMD占到37%,其中包括3,815个基因,约为所有基因的17%。PMD中的基因,翻译成为蛋白的可能性较小。研究人员还发现,PMD也包含高度甲基化的CpG岛(含有大量CG的基因组区域),而这往往与基因启动子的转录沉默有关。
The human placenta methylome
Diane I. Schroedera,b,c,John D. Blaird,Paul Lottb,Hung On Ken Yub,Danna Honga,Florence Crarya,b,c,Paul Ashwooda,c,e,Cheryl Walkerc,f,Ian Korfb,Wendy P. Robinsond, and Janine M. LaSallea,b,c,1
Tissue-specific DNA methylation is found at promoters, enhancers, and CpG islands but also over larger genomic regions. In most human tissues, the vast majority of the genome is highly methylated (>70%). Recently, sequencing of bisulfite-treated DNA (MethylC-seq) has revealed large partially methylated domains (PMDs) in some human cell lines. PMDs cover up to 40% of the genome and are associated with gene repression and inactive chromatin marks. However, to date, only cultured cells and cancers have shown evidence for PMDs. Here, we performed MethylC-seq in full-term human placenta and demonstrate it is the first known normal tissue showing clear evidence of PMDs. We found that PMDs cover 37% of the placental genome, are stable throughout gestation and between individuals, and can be observed with lower sensitivity in Illumina 450K Infinium data. RNA-seq analysis confirmed that genes in PMDs are repressed in placenta. Using a hidden Markov model to map placental PMDs genome-wide and compare them to PMDs in other cell lines, we found that genes within placental PMDs have tissue-specific functions. For regulatory regions, methylation levels in promoter CpG islands are actually higher for genes within placental PMDs, despite the lower overall methylation of surrounding regions. Similar to PMDs, polycomb-regulated regions are hypomethylated but smaller and distinct from PMDs, with some being hypermethylated in placenta compared with other tissues. These results suggest that PMDs are a developmentally dynamic feature of the methylome that are relevant for understanding both normal development and cancer and may be of use as epigenetic biomarkers.