科研人员对痢疾菌宋内痢疾杆菌(Shigella sonnei)进入越南人群并且在15年的时间里进化过程中的基因组进行了高分辨率观察。Stephen Baker及其同事对宋内痢疾杆菌的263个分离株的基因组进行了测序,这种细菌每年造成超过1.6亿个痢疾病例和与其相关的100万人的死亡。
PNAS doi: 10.1073/pnas.1308632110
Tracking the establishment of local endemic populations of an emergent enteric pathogen
Shigella sonnei is a human-adapted pathogen that is emerging globally as the dominant agent of bacterial dysentery. To investigate local establishment, we sequenced the genomes of 263 Vietnamese S. sonnei isolated over 15 y. Our data show that S. sonnei was introduced into Vietnam in the 1980s and has undergone localized clonal expansion, punctuated by genomic fixation events through periodic selective sweeps. We uncover geographical spread, spatially restricted frontier populations, and convergent evolution through local gene pool sampling. This work provides a unique, high-resolution insight into the microevolution of a pioneering human pathogen during its establishment in a new host population.