现在,Huda Zoghbi及同事发现,过度表达Shank3的小鼠会表现出类似狂躁的行为以及癫痫发作和神经活动的激发/抑制平衡发生改变等。与在小鼠身上的这些发现相一致的是,他们识别出了在22号染色体上携带含SHANK3区域的一个基因复本的两个多动症患者。
Nature doi:10.1038/nature12630
SHANK3 overexpression causes manic-like behaviour with unique pharmacogenetic properties
Kihoon Han,J. Lloyd Holder Jr,Christian P. Schaaf,Hui Lu,Hongmei Chen,Hyojin Kang,Jianrong Tang,Zhenyu Wu,Shuang Hao,Sau Wai Cheung,Peng Yu,Hao Sun,Amy M. Breman,Ankita Patel,Hui-Chen Lu& Huda Y. Zoghbi
Mutations in SHANK3 and large duplications of the region spanning SHANK3 both cause a spectrum of neuropsychiatric disorders, indicating that proper SHANK3 dosage is critical for normal brain function. However, SHANK3 overexpression per se has not been established as a cause of human disorders because 22q13 duplications involve several genes. Here we report that Shank3 transgenic mice modelling a human SHANK3 duplication exhibit manic-like behaviour and seizures consistent with synaptic excitatory/inhibitory imbalance. We also identified two patients with hyperkinetic disorders carrying the smallest SHANK3-spanning duplications reported so far. These findings indicate that SHANK3 overexpression causes a hyperkinetic neuropsychiatric disorder. To probe the mechanism underlying the phenotype, we generated a Shank3 in vivo interactome and found that Shank3 directly interacts with the Arp2/3 complex to increase F-actin levels in Shank3 transgenic mice. The mood-stabilizing drug valproate, but not lithium, rescues the manic-like behaviour of Shank3 transgenic mice raising the possibility that this hyperkinetic disorder has a unique pharmacogenetic profile.