2013年11月9日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --我们都知道,较年轻的动物可以进行自身损伤组织的修复,但是是否这些修复能力可以在其成年后依然保持呢?近日来自波士顿儿童医院的研究者通过研究给予了解释,研究者发现,通过再次激活一种名为Lin28a的潜伏基因,就可以使得模型小鼠的头发、软骨、皮肤以及其它软组织得到再生,Lin28a在胚胎干细胞中处于激活状态。相关研究刊登于国际杂志著名杂志Cell上。
文章中,研究者发现Lin28a可以通过增强线粒体的代谢来部分增强组织修复的能力,这就为开发新型的再生疗法提供了一定的思路。George Q. Daley博士表示,直接改善伤口愈合和组织修复的方法看起来似乎并不奏效,但是通过改变代谢来实现组织修复似乎是一种新型的策略。
Lin28 Enhances Tissue Repair by Reprogramming Cellular Metabolism
Ng Shyh-Chang, Hao Zhu, T. Yvanka de Soysa, Gen Shinoda, Marc T. Seligson, Kaloyan M. Tsanov, Liem Nguyen, John M. Asara, Lewis C. Cantley, George Q. Daley
Regeneration capacity declines with age, but why juvenile organisms show enhanced tissue repair remains unexplained. Lin28a, a highly conserved RNA-binding protein expressed during embryogenesis, plays roles in development, pluripotency, and metabolism. To determine whether Lin28a might influence tissue repair in adults, we engineered the reactivation of Lin28a expression in several models of tissue injury. Lin28a reactivation improved hair regrowth by promoting anagen in hair follicles and accelerated regrowth of cartilage, bone, and mesenchyme after ear and digit injuries. Lin28a inhibits let-7 microRNA biogenesis; however, let-7 repression was necessary but insufficient to enhance repair. Lin28a bound to and enhanced the translation of mRNAs for several metabolic enzymes, thereby increasing glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation (OxPhos). Lin28a-mediated enhancement of tissue repair was negated by OxPhos inhibition, whereas a pharmacologically induced increase in OxPhos enhanced repair. Thus, Lin28a enhances tissue repair in some adult tissues by reprogramming cellular bioenergetics.