对太平洋中两个相邻的深海热液喷口中微生物的基因组普查揭示,其中的细菌和古生菌种群的多样性极高、而且种类比过去估计的多得多。虽然这两个喷口相隔小于3公里,每个喷口有不同的化学和不同的微植物群。每个喷口包括了来自海底深部、喷口各个地方、以及附近海水中的生物。研究人员用新的DNA测序技术编目了这些微生物群体的广泛性和多样性,提供了比过去更多的细节。Julie A. Huber和同事用一种技术检验了在所有微生物中都有的核糖体RNA基因的超过90万个字母的序列。他们用该基因一个多变的短区域中的微小差异编目了这两个喷口中生命的多样性。其中古生菌的多样性比细菌的低,而且古生菌多样性的普遍模式是几个明显的种群占主导地位,多样性主要来自几千个低数量的种群。
该篇文章的主要作者、海洋生物实验室的Julie Huber表示:这些细菌大多数此前从未见报道过,其中有上百种与我们如今所知的微生物相差甚远,以至于只能判断其所属门类。很明显,继续取样进行研究以确定其所属的种类是必不可少的。
Science 5 October 2007:
Vol. 318. no. 5847, pp. 97 - 100
DOI: 10.1126/science.1146689
Microbial Population Structures in the Deep Marine Biosphere
Julie A. Huber,1* David B. Mark Welch,1 Hilary G. Morrison,1 Susan M. Huse,1 Phillip R. Neal,1 David A. Butterfield,2 Mitchell L. Sogin1
The analytical power of environmental DNA sequences for modeling microbial ecosystems depends on accurate assessments of population structure, including diversity (richness) and relative abundance (evenness). We investigated both aspects of population structure for microbial communities at two neighboring hydrothermal vents by examining the sequences of more than 900,000 microbial small-subunit ribosomal RNA amplicons. The two vent communities have different population structures that reflect local geochemical regimes. Descriptions of archaeal diversity were nearly exhaustive, but despite collecting an unparalleled number of sequences, statistical analyses indicated additional bacterial diversity at every taxonomic level. We predict that hundreds of thousands of sequences will be necessary to capture the vast diversity of microbial communities, and that different patterns of evenness for both high- and low-abundance taxa may be important in defining microbial ecosystem dynamics.
1 Josephine Bay Paul Center, Marine Biological Laboratory, 7 MBL Street, Woods Hole, MA 02543, USA.
2 Joint Institute for the Study of Atmosphere and Ocean, University of Washington, Post Office Box 354925, Seattle, WA 98105, USA.
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: jhuber@mbl.edu