雌孔雀并非总是选择那些最漂亮的雄孔雀做配偶。(图片提供: Mariko Takahashi)
雌孔雀喜欢那些拖着华丽裙裾的雄孔雀——这些家伙的每次灿烂开屏都能够引来“女孩儿们”的一片尖叫。自从查尔斯·达尔文提出进化论以来,这便成为关于孔雀的起码常识。然而一项长达7年的研究却对这种深入人心的观念提出了挑战——研究人员报告说,在印度孔雀(Pavo cristatus)的野生种群中,雌性并没有表现出这种偏爱。这篇颇受争议的论文与之前一项大受赞扬的研究结果相矛盾,后者揭示了孔雀开屏在两性关系中的作用,同时成为进化生物学中的经典。
据美国《科学》杂志在线新闻报道,由于自然选择理论无法解释看上去毫无用处的雄性装饰物——例如复杂精美的羽毛——的进化原因,达尔文便提出,它们的出现完全是出于性选择的缘故。在大多数物种中,被雌性所选择的用来交配的雄性推测起来都应该能够展现一些健康的遗传信息。例如,雄孔雀的尾巴比身体长得多并且装饰了许多华而不实的眼点。而眼点的数量可能与雄性基因的质量有很大关系,因此雌孔雀往往会选择那些眼点数量更多的“小伙子”。在一项被引证得最多的关于孔雀尾巴的研究中,英国纽卡斯尔大学的进化生物学家Marion Petrie剪掉了一些雄孔雀尾部羽毛上的眼点部分,而雌孔雀随后便会冷落慢待这些家伙。此外,与其他同类相比,雄孔雀的羽毛越华丽,它们的寿命也就越长。
日本东京大学的动物行为学家Mariko Takahashi的研究小组试图证明这些结论。然而尽管观察了268对交配的孔雀,但是研究小组依然无法确定任何一种遗传特征是雌孔雀所喜爱的。研究人员在4月份出版的爱思唯尔期刊《动物行为》(Animal Behaviour)杂志上报告了这一研究结果。Takahashi推测,对于雌孔雀来说,雄性的尾巴最初可能是一种信号,但是就像去年流行的时装,如今已经过时了。
如果雌孔雀忽视这些美丽羽毛的存在,那么雄孔雀为什么还要花费大量的精力来打扮自己并且拖着大尾巴走来走去呢?美国奥斯汀市得克萨斯大学的动物行为学家Michael Ryan认为,雄孔雀之所以还要留住它们的尾巴,恐怕是由于在一只雌孔雀对自己表现出兴趣之后,它们可以摇动这些羽毛从而发出交配所必需的沙沙声。他说:“如果没有尾巴,它们便演奏不出这么美妙的音乐了。”
加利福尼亚大学里弗赛德分校的进化生物学家Marlene Zuk并不认为这项研究成果驳斥了Petrie的工作,这是由于前者的实验并没有涉及华美的尾部羽毛在交配中所扮演的角色。挪威奥斯陆大学的进化生物学家Stein Are Sther认为,这项新的研究表明,“我们还没有真正了解雌性到底是如何评估雄性的”。(来源:科学时报 群芳)
(Animal Behaviour),Volume 75, Issue 4, April 2008, Pages 1209-1219,Mariko Takahashi,Toshikazu Hasegawa
Peahens do not prefer peacocks with more elaborate trains
Mariko Takahashi*, , , Hiroyuki Arita†, 1, Mariko Hiraiwa-Hasegawa‡, 2 and Toshikazu Hasegawa*
†Main Building Exhibition Office, the National Science Museum, Tokyo, Japan
‡School of Advanced Sciences, the Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Kanagawa, Japan
*Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the University of Tokyo, Japan
Received 7 September 2006; revised 13 October 2006; accepted 2 October 2007. MS. number: 9102. Available online 20 February 2008.
The elaborate train of male Indian peafowl, Pavo cristatus, is thought to have evolved in response to female mate choice and may be an indicator of good genes. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of the male train in mate choice using male- and female-centred observations in a feral population of Indian peafowl in Japan over 7 years. We found no evidence that peahens expressed any preference for peacocks with more elaborate trains (i.e. trains having more ocelli, a more symmetrical arrangement or a greater length), similar to other studies of galliforms showing that females disregard male plumage. Combined with previous results, our findings indicate that the peacock's train (1) is not the universal target of female choice, (2) shows small variance among males across populations and (3) based on current physiological knowledge, does not appear to reliably reflect the male condition. We also found that some behavioural characteristics of peacocks during displays were largely affected by female behaviours and were spuriously correlated with male mating success. Although the male train and its direct display towards females seem necessary for successful reproduction, we conclude that peahens in this population are likely to exercise active choice based on cues other than the peacock's train.